Saturday, June 27, 2009

Summer is here!

The school year ended well- the yearbook was a success overall and all my students wrapped the year up in fine form (well- all but one).

I discovered in the spring that my role at school would be changing for the coming school year- I'll be teaching 3 US History classes as well as handling a reduced SPED case load. It's taken some time for that to settle in, but I am thankful for a job and will try to do my best in the coming year.

Youth group ended well- We had a great 30 hour famine to wrap up the year. The kids were really invested in the process and seemed moved by the event. It was sad to say goodbye to our graduates- you don't realize how much you have grown to love these kids and what a part you have played in their lives. They are always welcome back and they always turn up!

School's been out for a week and I've been pleased with my productivity. As always, there are many projects looming: yearbook planning, English camps, fall youth group, worship team, His Mansion missions trip, Haiti/HOPE Missions- and all the little projects I create in the process. My time is really limited this summer as after July 11th I'm traveling quite a bit. So, I'm doing my best to get as much done as I can.

The best news of all came today when we learned that HOPE received it's approval for 501 (c)(3) recognition- this is a huge relief and blessing. God is good!

I hope to be better about updating-
Enjoy your summer!

Monday, March 23, 2009

A lot has happened in the recent months (has it been THAT long?).

My father, brother and I headed to Colombia on Valentine's Day for a week long missions trip. We had a great time! Having been on a number of different trips and with a variety of ministries- this was a very different trip for me. The demands of the trip by some of the leaders were interesting (to say the least)- I had to work on my attitude many times.
Many on the team worked on a variety of work projects- carpentry, gutters, digging a well. I helped measure out a kickball field, painted a cafeteria and play equipment as well as spent time helping in the kitchen, leading chapel and participating in a 7th grade class and women's meeting. The days were very full- almost too full. Knowing I had to return to teaching immediately upon returning home- I tried to pace myself in the heat.
The people we met were lovely! They were so pleasant and kind- I truly enjoyed using my limited spanish to get to know them. The other team members were very nice too-and two ladies especially were encouraging to me. It was nice to experience this with my family- I was sad that my mom couldn't come. Bill really enjoyed himself and hopes to return. He was interested in seeing everything and was even able to meet another adoptee.
One thing I learned on the trip is that we don't have to offer a fantastic program in Haiti (thinking of a leadership conference etc...)- they just want to be taught. And- will accept whatever is offered as long as it is biblical. That helped put some perspective into plans for future ministry.

Since coming home, I've been busy working on the missions conference for church. We invited 20 different presenters to come and put on a workshop style conference. It was held this past weekend and went pretty well. This was the first time I was able to plan an event and truly sit back and watch it work. I had little anxiety and was able to participate actively which was nice. Reflecting shows things I would do differently- but overall it was good and the feedback has been good. The conference came at the right time as our church has gone through a bit of upheaval over the past weeks. But, Praise God- our church is united as it moves forward.

School is now heading into Annual Season. This is a busy time for us in SpEd. I enjoy it because it is a good time of reflection and planning as well as meeting with parents- just lots of paperwork. I have two meetings tomorrow and one on Wednesday.

I'm looking forward to some time of quiet- getting caught up on projects at home, youth group and HOPE. April Vacation is soon and I can't wait.
Spiritually- I've been challenged on some things lately- and I'm seeing God bring freedom in those areas. I am thankful that He is good even when things don't feel so good or go as we'd like them.

A verse from my QT this morning is an encouragement- and has already been tested today. I need to make this the prayer of my heart.

Psalm 27:13-14
"Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord."
Waiting is hard- especially when life continues to move forward for so many around me. I struggle with jealousy and coveting what others have- when I know I should be so grateful for what "is" in my life.
A daily battle- but guarding my heart and getting to the root of the issue is important.

All for now- enjoy a few recent pics!
Snow Camp in February with our Youth Group- a great weekend!

A few of our favorite Colombian Soccer Players!

My family with Nancy- the missionary that rescued Bill as an infant.

Missions Conference

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

2009 in Full Swing

What a great vacation I had! It was so good to relax, catch up with friends and even complete a few projects.
One special treat was catching up with Sarah who I went to WOLBI with and actually lives in the town where I teach. It was so encouraging to see her still pursuing Christ.
We had a fun night with the youth on New Year's - I'm not a great Guitar Praise player but I wouldn't mind a bit more practice on the Wii. That was a blast! We really saw our teens step out this past month- they participated in 2 drama's at church as well as a large vocal on Christmas Eve. We also attempted an outreach at a local soup kitchen but sadly no children came. The teens had great attitudes though and we are excited to see what other doors are open. I encouraged them that God asks us to be ready and available- He takes care of the results. This weekend is our mid-year leadership conference in NH and Snow Camp is at the end of the month. Then, we're full swing into Teens Involved and lots of fun spring activities. This year is flying by!

School-wise: it was good to get back on Monday- not as hard to jump back into the swing as I thought. All my kids got back from break in one piece (I tend to worry a bit when they have too much time on their hands...) and each has "stopped by" to check in with me. Even "my kiddos" who aren't my kids- stop in and catch me up on things. A whole crew of boys came by yesterday- I call them the "Brain Trust" ala Scrubs. Up to no good. But you have to love them.
Yearbook is progressing- we have our 2nd deadline on Monday, probably won't make it. But, I honestly feel okay about that. The kids are working hard and I'm a bit more relaxed right now. There is still so much to do- but we have a good team.

Hmmm what else? I started crocheting again this last week. I have a blanket I started in 2001 that I haven't finished. Not because I'm a slow crocheter but because I put it down so many times. I decided I am going to finish it..... granted it needs 140 individual squares....but I will finish so I can move on to other projects. Plans are in the works for a number of trips this year- Colombia, Haiti and Germany. I'm getting excited. Other projects include the missions conference, summer trip for youth and another work week for the teens. Never a dull moment here.

Well- a snow day opens the world of possibilities, so I'm going to get going and enjoy it!

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

This was a tough week. I haven't been able to formulate all of my thoughts- but I know that I'm raw. There has been a lot of pressure lately- some self-inflicted, some out of my control. Not every response that I've given has been good, and I'm sad that I didn't respond in a more God-honoring way. This was the first week were I realized how much I can take when it comes to my students. I love them. I really do. But, when you invest so much of yourself- your time, energy and heart and then you are treated badly, I think everyone comes to a breaking point. The reassurring part, is when the student actually comes back and wants to make things right. That was very special. There have been elements of frustration- well, many elements of frustration. Things that wouldn't necessarily bother me have and others I've just lost patience over. Often my expectations on what I should accomplish, personally and work-related, are unrealistic. On the other hand, I can't get my head above my work load and I wonder what I'm not doing right.

Needless to say, I'm ready for a nice Christmas break. It will be good to relax, rest and catch up (or get ahead depending on your perspective).

Last Saturday I went to an Andrew Peterson concert with Sarah and Diana. It was beautiful. So fun to be with friends too. The music- the hearts shared by the artists were amazing. I didn't want the evening to end. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed these artists- and haven't stopped listening to them since. If the Behold the Lamb tour ever comes near you- you have to go! It is incredible!

Hoping everyone is well and enjoying this season.

