Monday, October 30, 2006

Not dead yet....

So, a common question I've been asked lately is....

"Are you alive?- haven't heard from you in ages!"

Yes... I am still alive- just extremely busy- but that is not a good excuse.

So- updates.

Going very well. Moments of tension and overwhelment- but a typical day is quite enjoyable and manageable. I am very pleased with my job. And that makes me happy and content. There is still so much to learn and understand and to overcome (I HATE calling parents..... You would think 2 years of dealing with telemarketing rejection would have prepared me for hostile parents...but it hasn't!). The most trying months are still to come when PPT season gets in full swing with testing and annuals etc.... but "today has enough worry for itself".

HOPE: Haiti ministry I'm involved with
We had a very productive HOPE Advisory Council Meeting Saturday. What a great group of people! Many good suggestions, advice and possibilities of support. Pray that I am able to finish the agenda items I am responsible for (mainly ALL of them...... ) - namely the Tax-Exempt Application. It is daunting at the moment-but my friend Joe says I'm thinking to much about it. We should have a newsletter going out in a month or so- so stay posted (let me know if you'd like to get it and aren't on our mailing list!)

Teen Club:
We had an amazing STORM rally (our teens going out and inviting friends back for a rally). Our teens were great and really showed some fine attributes that evening. We had 8 new teens come and one made a decision for Christ. Three are planning to join us for Superbowl and 2 for sure are coming back this Wednesday night! We had a team of 10 from WOLBI come down and help and they were simply amazing! More than amazing! An incredible blessing and God-send.
Our leaders did a great job and it was so encouraging to hear them say "we should do this again!".

Hmmm- what else? That's about it. My life is so full at the moment..... but it is such a good, content fullness. (though, if I see one more ultrasound picture up on myspace I will puke- sorry, just had to say that! don't take any offense you expecting parents, I am truly happy for you!)

God has opened up a new ministry opportunity for me- I can't share much about it due to its nature- but pray that I have wisdom, understanding and TWO EARS to listen.

Love to you all- you're encouragement means so much!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Making deposits

This was the theme of our recent trip to Haiti....
Everywhere we went, we were making small deposits in the hearts of each person we encountered.

A smile

A wave as we drove by

A cup of cool ice tea

A peanut butter sandwich
A classroom visit

A gift to purchase school books
A tour of a orphanage

A tour of a library
A visit to a grieving widow
A picture taken

Worshipping with fellow believers
A gift of checkers

A gift to a man struggling financially
Late night conversations by lamp light with local pastors

Some big, some small acts. But each one making a deposit.

Lord, take these deposits and cause them to grow in hearts.

May each be redeemed in your perfect time!

Our trip was a great success. We were able to accomplish all on our to-do list and then some. We have hired workers to clear the land (take down the trees/remove the rocks). We formed a partnership with a local Baptist pastor, we visited a local library (20 miles away) and received some great insight/contacts, we began the process of finding/hiring a man to oversee the work in Pestel and we held a Celebration service for the community to thank God for the coming library.

It was a refreshing trip and full of opportunities to see God at work. It is hard to come home and jump back into life. I had the opportunity to share in 4 history classes yesterday about Haiti. It was frustrating due to lack of time- but I hope the students were "impressed" with the great needs in Haiti.