Monday, February 26, 2007

Now this is why I call New England home!

Yet again- another snow day. I was so hoping for one!

We had a great time at Teens Involved. The kids did well! Not only were they excited about their entries but they were able to see the potential. They already are planning for next year (dramas, solos, worship band). Our gang all had good attitudes, were supportive of each other and pulled together when one member had to go home sick.

Here are some pics...

Now we have about 7 weeks until Regionals- and lots of work ahead of us. We need to add parts and props to the presentations. Two of the best results of this day- one, having the kids make suggestions of how they can use these in ministry at our church and having a parent come up to me and say he has never seen his son so excited and pumped before! Little breakthroughs.

We are planning a coffee house for April- I'm praying that the kids really get into it and explore how they can reach out to their friends by using their gifts and abilities.

In other news- this will be another busy week! The year has flown by and I think that is due to mainly always being busy. I've started planning my summer and hope to work intensely on a number of things to prep for next fall (teen club mainly). I'll have lots of work related reading to do as well. I'm also in the midst of planning two trips- one to San Francisco/San Jose with the B-suite gals. And- the second to Haiti in July for HOPE. I'm supposed to plan the Teen VBS program as well. Before you know it, it will be Fall and back to school!

Ahh- I should get to work! That's what this snow day is for!

Love to you All!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Is my day off every really a day off?

Seems like my days are so busy- I'm chained to my computer working on projects, reports, outlines- you name it!

We are gearing up for Teens Involved on Saturday- so we've had practice everyday this weekend. It is great spending time with the teens. We have such a fun bunch. We have five entries- 2 SR High Puppet shows, Large Vocal, Small Vocal and a Poetry entry. The puppet shows have really come a long way in a short amount of time. They are doing a great job. Everything else is good- minus the large vocal. We're doing a rendition of Amazing Grace and just can't seem to get the right key. It is so frustrating, because the kids are so into it. I just don't want them to get frustrated. We go for Areas this coming Saturday- it will be a good day of exposure for them. There is much to do to get ready- this will be a very busy week for me.

We had a game night on Saturday. It was so nice to see everyone involved and keeping themselves occupied (UNO, Spoons, Jenga, Risk and Carpetball are the favs....). I was especially happy to see everyone included- especially the fringe kids and newbies. We do have a great group of teens! I appreciate the leaders for sacrificing so much of their personal time for these kids. I'm really looking forward to May 5th and our Cinco de Mayo Party! I'll be sure to post pictures. We also hope to have a coffee house in April. That is always a highlight!

School wise- I finished a project yesterday (thanks to Rebecca letting me crash at her place in the afternoon). I'm nervous because my results were probably not what my director wanted- but they are what they are. I'm looking forward to going to 3 days of reading training in March. Hopefully, it will give me more confidence and background as I work with low readers in my Reading Skills Class.

We have a HOPE Advisory meeting this Thursday. Pray that we have wisdom as there are so important decisions that need to be made. We will be speaking at my church's missions conference in March- hopefully that will increase some of our support.

Love to you all...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow Day!

Ahhhh a Snow Day! One of the guilty pleasures of teaching!

We were wondering if we would EVER have one this year. It has been a cold winter but rarely any snow. Actually, today should be considered an ice and sleet day. We're expecting more snow later.

Our school is in the middle of a huge renovation project- which means that we lose our Feb. vacation so that we can finish school by June 8th . It is a long haul between Christmas and April with the rug rats- so an extra day off every now and then is a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Plus, I really need a day to wrap up some important projects.

It seems like my days have been full of testing and PPTs recently. As soon as I finish a round with one student- I start with another. Thankfully, everyone is so cooperative and I 'm getting a lot of practice.

Today is also Valentine's Day! A few years ago, it was nice to have a Valentine! I remember feeling incredibly cared for and adored. This year, it's just little 'ole me. My brother was sweet and brought me a rose the other night. It was a nice surprise! We plan to "honor" our teens tonight at club by highlighting a good characteristic that we see in them- that is if we have club. I'm thankful that Valentine's goes beyond the mushy romantic love, and includes love in general. Because I have so much of that- so many people who truly care about me. And, I have the awesome privilege (and responsibility) to love so many myself.

Have a wonderful Valentines' Day!

Love to you all!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A day at the spa...

Hmmm... I am so relaxed.

Our church held a HeartSpa for women today- complete with energizing music, a thoughtful message, stamping (my favorite!) facials, pedicures and manicures. It was lovely. I'm silky smooth! I am now a firm believer in exfoliation and cucumber slices.

It was a great day- and many women were encouraged and challenged.

It's hard to believe that this time last week we were up at Snow Camp. Seems like ages ago. We had a wonderful time with the teens. They were excellent. We saw a different side of our kids and it was exciting to hear from their counselor that he noticed growth in our boys since last year (he happened to counsel them last year!). As leaders, we had a great time of fellowship. Our kids surprised us by being truly happy to see us when we visited. They also got involved and were quite victorious in a variety of competitions!

3rd place for the Banner

1st for the Team Paintball

1st in the Cardboard Sled Race (the culminating activity!)

We were so proud of them!

The Lord was working in many hearts throughout the weekend. We saw one girl make a decision for Christ. The counselors really challenged our kids. We have some that are so close- and we are praying that every opportunity will draw them closer to making a decision for Christ.

Here are some of my favorite pics-
Our Banner

Justin and I- he's good for a warm hug

Some of our gang

The Team Paintball Champions

The Whole Gang!

It was hard to get back into the swing of things once we got back. Work has been incredibly demanding- and it doesn't look like things will let up for a bit. Thankfully, all of my major projects got down on time. Next week, I have a math observation on Tuesday (word problems anyone?). After that, just one more observation to go! I have two major reports/PPT's on 2/28. There is a lot to do to get ready for that.

In regards to ministry- we are in need of a Bible Teacher for Teen Club. Be praying about that. We really need some enthusiastic men to commit to join our leadership team. In regards to HOPE, I have so many projects to do and unfortunately am having a hard time making the time. This is a huge need for prayer. It looks like I'll be heading down there end of June- and we hope to start the foundation for the library! Very exciting

God is good- I fail Him so often and yet He loves me and is so patient with me. Pray that I will hunger and thirst for righteousness and for HIM.

Love to you All!