Saturday, December 13, 2008

This was a tough week. I haven't been able to formulate all of my thoughts- but I know that I'm raw. There has been a lot of pressure lately- some self-inflicted, some out of my control. Not every response that I've given has been good, and I'm sad that I didn't respond in a more God-honoring way. This was the first week were I realized how much I can take when it comes to my students. I love them. I really do. But, when you invest so much of yourself- your time, energy and heart and then you are treated badly, I think everyone comes to a breaking point. The reassurring part, is when the student actually comes back and wants to make things right. That was very special. There have been elements of frustration- well, many elements of frustration. Things that wouldn't necessarily bother me have and others I've just lost patience over. Often my expectations on what I should accomplish, personally and work-related, are unrealistic. On the other hand, I can't get my head above my work load and I wonder what I'm not doing right.

Needless to say, I'm ready for a nice Christmas break. It will be good to relax, rest and catch up (or get ahead depending on your perspective).

Last Saturday I went to an Andrew Peterson concert with Sarah and Diana. It was beautiful. So fun to be with friends too. The music- the hearts shared by the artists were amazing. I didn't want the evening to end. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed these artists- and haven't stopped listening to them since. If the Behold the Lamb tour ever comes near you- you have to go! It is incredible!

Hoping everyone is well and enjoying this season.



Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's been awhile...

I don't think I've ever had a busier first quarter at school. This is a year full of change and I'm having to adjust to new students, staff and procedures. Somethings are going very well- others, still need lots of work. Time management is always crucial. I am enjoying each day- feel like I've made some great gains with some kids and have been very surprised by those who seek me out. All in all, it has been a great year so far and I truly (and I really mean this) LOVE what I do. It is nice to be able to say that and mean it.
I've also signed on to co-advise the yearbook- wow, this is a lot of work. But I know in the end it will be awesome. We're trying some new things and the kids are excited.

Youth group has been going well- it always takes a bit to get in the swing of things, but we're getting there. We've had challenges and I know Satan is attempting to distract and discourage. We had a great outreach weekend with STORM and a coffee house. Last weekend we packed christmas boxes for kids and participated in the church talent show. We are really focusing the kids this year on daily disciplines and ministry outreach (outside of our walls). I'm really excited that in December we will go to a local food kitchen and host a children's christmas party. That will be awesome. My hope is to take the kids on some sort of outreach trip next summer.

My family plans to go to Colombia in February to see where Bill was born. That is pretty cool- I've always wanted to do that, but Bill wasn't interested. Now he is, and I'm so excited to share it with him.
I plan to go to Haiti sometime this year- probably over the summer. It's been over a year- too long. And, I'll go to Germany again next July to teach at the youth camp. Loved that and can't wait!

The holidays are coming- I'm really trying to reduce stress and stay focused on things that matter. This year- reducing purchasing- so outside of my family, donations to charities is what it will be. I hope to host a spa day in January for my friends which is a great gift of fellowship and pampering.

I've been really convicted lately about how I haven't been "around" for some friends that really need me right now. Specifically in the form of prayer but also in checking up on them etc... I'm working to change that and hope that it will be a blessing. It is hard to hear/know that people you love are hurting- though I can't fix it, I can pray and love them.

This weekend is Superbowl- another event that reminds me that I'm getting older (30 this year) and can't stay up like I used too. Been pulling out more gray hairs lately. It's so wrong!

Love to you all

Friday, August 29, 2008

Since returning from Germany, I've hit the ground and haven't stopped running!

On the 19th- we had a 50th Anniversary Party for my parents! What a great night! It would not have been possible without Maria and other friends who pitched in. It was nice to have some family up from down south and about 140 friends there. My parents really enjoyed themselves. There was so much laughter and joy through the whole night. I loved looking around the room and just seeing everyone enjoying one another. Some people had not been in touch for some time. We enjoyed music shared by various friends and a lively "Newlywed Game"- that was a hit!
Here are some pictures from the party and a video that we shared.

A friend copied Mom and Dad's wedding cake. It was beautiful!!!

The food was delicious- someone asked me if Maria knew the caterers. I laughed, "Maria IS the caterer!!" Everyone just had a blast and loved the entire evening!

The Monday after the Anniversary Party, the youth group began a work week at our church- called "give back".

We had an amazing time. The youth worked so hard and with such good attitudes. I did not hear one person complain about what they were asked to do. We got so much done- here are some of the projects.

-stained all the windows and door trim

-washed windows

-painted window trim

- painted all doors interior/exterior

- painted three rooms and the bathroom

- put up wall paper in two rooms

- painted a book case

- cleaned and painted a storage unit

- sanded- a lot

- painted the boiler room (after cleaning/priming)

- painted pastors porch

- cleaned out the overgrown trees in the cemetary

- completely organized the church library

- painted a huge chalkboard and painted magnetic paint on it

- scraped and cleaned 2 large dividers

- straighted and cleaned all the radiators

- lots of cleaning

I'm sure I'm missing some things, but as you can see- we did a lot!

Enjoy the pictures- I work with the most amazing young people! (And yes, it really is that blue!)

Then, we took 7 teens to an overnight conference in MA. Josh McDowell was the speaker. There were also a lot of bands there. It was a great time with these special kids. We laughed a lot- learned a lot about defending our faith and left quite encouraged!

My partner-in-crime- I honestly don't know where I would be without Maria.

Now, school has started. It has actually gone relatively smoothly. I have a great case load and really enjoy all my classes. I'm working with some new kids- and I'm enjoying them. I actually feel like I have a good handle on things and that I'm prepared. There still is a lot of work to do- but I'm enjoying it. I love going to work each day.

Youth group starts on the 10th- I have a lot to do to prepare. So many projects to get going on.

But that's how we roll!



Monday, August 11, 2008

Germany 2

My two other updates from Germany- pics to come soon (once I get over jet lag!).

We are about to begin Day Three of class. Right now, the teens are having quiet time with their counselors. What an amazing time the counselors are having with the campers- digging in the Word and hitting real heart issues. These devotional times have been rich in discussion and truth.It reminds me that these teens are no different from me or you. They experience the same hurts and struggles that we do- and God's Word is sufficient to meet their needs.In journals, I've been able to talk quite a bit about finding our identity in the Lord and not in what others say or think about us.What a treasure it is to communicate unchanging truth! Yesterday, we took the campers to Black Forest International Church. We enjoyed worshipping together- the message was about "Why I'm not an Atheist"- and hit home many important truths for these teens that struggle in a culture that says God does not exist.After a relaxing afternoon watching "The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe" and a hearty game of soccer- we worshipped together.I was overwhelmed hearing the campers singing songs honoring our Lord- and realizing that whether in German or English, we worshipthe same Lord. Our messages each evening have been on Living Dangerously- and they have been challenging both to campers and staff that we are involved in a battle. Most of the teens, if they have trusted Christ, make up a very small minority in their villages and schools.This week truly becomes their "spark plug" for the year! Today, we are celebrating Christmas! We listened to The Night Before Christmas last evening, sang carols this morning and passed out stockings w/treats this morning. It is just another way for us to share American culture and communicate love to our teens. Please continue to pray for us here- God is at work and we are excited! As teachers, we have been asked to put together a special lesson for Wednesday, and need an extra doseof creativity to make Lewis and Clark interesting to German Teens. We also have one girl who has demonstrated some special issues- and as a staff we are not sure how to meet her needs.Pray for wisdom and understanding- sometimes it is hard enough to come along someone in your own language- it is doubly hardwhen language is a barrier. Pray for wisdom for Tina, our main translator, as she works with this young lady. Thank you for your prayers- they are felt here!

It is hard to believe that our campers leave tomorrow morning. It has been an amazing 9 days with them.We enjoyed "Adventure Day" on Wednesday and a talent show on Thursday night. So many good laughs.English classes today went so well- and I was able to share with them Ephesians 3:14-21. Russ mentioned thispassage earlier in the week, and I've been mulling it over since. It really is my prayer for my classes (and the campers asa whole)- that their roots will go down deep into God's love, that they will know His great power, that they would make a home for Him in their hearts- and truly know how high, deep, wide, long is His love for them. It was awesome to end our class in prayer- hearing them pray in German and thank God for His abundant love for them. After a special dinner (staff serving campers- and doing their evening chores), we had our final meeting. We've been challenged this week to live dangerously for Christ- not safely or recklessly. It was something that I know I needed to hear. We have seen God break throughwalls and soften hearts as well as strengthen and encourage believers. It has been awesome to play a part in each one's spiritualjourney. Tomorrow morning will be difficult for these kiddos- it is amazing how close they get in a short time. Many have no christian friends back home- and othersare going back to difficult situations. This is truly a haven for them. Pray that they keep in touch and attend a special reunion planned in November. After the campers leave, we have quite a bit of cleaning to do (this dorm is massive!)- and then we will head to Freiburg for dinner! We leave Sunday at 5:30 pm (11:30 am EST) from Zurich and will arrive at 7:30pm in Boston.Pray for safe travel and that we finish well!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Germany Pics

Hello from Germany!

Below are two of my recent email updates-

Wednesday, 7/30/08

Tomorrow is the day! Our campers arrive at 1pm (7am EST)! We are excited to have them come but I think we're all a bit nervous. I know thatI am! We had a good flight over- but ran into some problems finding the right train from the airport to Basal. It was frustrating for a bit (especiallywith all of our luggage)- but the Lord sent a lovely Swiss couple to help us.We arrived hot and tired- and so thankful to settle into Maugenhard- our home for the next two weeks. This is a boys dorm for Black ForestAcademy. It is very comfortable and homey. I have my own room- which allows me a quiet place to prepare- especially once our house is full of manyexcited German teens. Our first three days were spent getting ready for camp. There are actually three camps going on right now at different locations. We had some training sessions all together. In the process, I discovered that the material I was provided was not challenging enough for the students I will be teaching (advanced level).This was initially very frustrating as I had put many hours at home into preparing lessons/materials. So, I've had to start over from scratch.But after some prayer, encouragement and time to re-plan- I have the first two days mapped out. God is using the circumstances here to force me to set myself aside- and allow Him to work. This experience has taken me out of my comfort zone- and I know this is exactly what I needed. It is exciting to see God at work in our staff already- and to know thatHe will be doing the same in the lives in our teens. Today, we were able to take a day trip into Luzerne, Switzerland. We enjoyed a beautiful drive. The city is gorgeous. We were able to see the old city walls and some beautiful old homes and churches. It was lovely to sit by the river in the shade and enjoy the swans. It was a great day to just relax and get to know our team better before we jump into camp. Please be in prayer as our campers come tomorrow. We know that God is going to be working mightily in the lives of the 30 teens- our prayeris that each teen will leave with a growing, personal relationship with Christ.Pray that we are an authentic representation of the love of Christ.

Friday, 8/1/08

What an amazing day we've had! It's hard to believe that just yesterday our campers arrived! We have already fallen in love with themand even chosen a few favorites! For any bit of nervousness they had when they came, it has now been replaced with smiles, laughter and TONS of energy. Our first full day with campers went really well. My class includes 8 boys and 2 girls, ages 15-17. The girls are as sweet as canbe. I've enjoyed just sitting with them, talking, singing and answering their questions. My boys, who seem to think that their smiles and charm willget them out of "hard work", have stolen my heart. Today, we simply got to know each other. I shared a powerpoint of pictures from home and they enjoyed "meeting" loved ones in CT. We played a game called "Would you rather?" where they were given crazy scenarios that they had to pick from and explain why they choose the one they did. They especially enjoyed asking me some pretty far out questions from the game.The most special time was sharing with them a mini-devotional from Matthew 22:37-39 and talking about loving God with our entire being and loving others.Each day, they are asked to respond to journal prompts which I read and respond to. Today, they were asked to tell me their "God Story". What a treasureto read about their relationship with the Lord- and to be able to respond back, heart to heart. One girl came later and thanked me for what I shared. This experience is a thrill- I'm enjoying every moment! Our team is working so well together - and truly enjoying one another.I know already, it will be so difficult to leave English Camp. Please continue to pray that spiritual battles will be won here at English camp. There are some hard hearts- but God has already begun a workin them and is softening them. Pray for encouragement and spiritual growth for these precious young people.

Serving with JOY (more than I can say!)


Saturday, July 19, 2008

The summer has been busy- and I haven't' been a very faithful blogger.

The to-do's are slowing getting checked off- with a few unexpected treats thrown in.

I spent a day in Kittery Maine with friends-

A trip to IKEA, shopping trips, bargains at Salvation Army, movie nights, dinner out, time with my kiddos! I am truly enjoying this summer!

Our ladies Bible Study has started and it has been a blessing to get to know these ladies. We're studying what the Bible says about the church- I'm looking forward to digging in and possibly redefining my perspectives (setting aside tradition etc...)

At the last minute I was asked to teach the Bible lesson at VBS. At first I was overwhelmed with it. But- it ended up being awesome. The lessons were highly interactive and the kids really enjoyed them. I had a fantastic helper too. Our teens volunteered to help and it was exciting to see them serving in a variety of roles. They were an encouragement and blessing to so many. They also volunteered to help with a special day of cleaning one day after VBS- we got more done at the teen building than I imagined (shampooed all the furniture and carpets, cleaning, dump/barn runs)- they were awesome! I just got home from a girls spa day! We had a great time making jewelry and pampering the girls. The boys went for a hike and when they met up with us for lunch- some actually joined in on the spa! It was hilarious to watch them get facials, pedicures and hot paraffin dips. I work with the most amazing teens!

So- now I'm wrapping up projects before I head to Germany a week from today. I still have so much to do to get ready, but I'm excited! Pray that I continue to use my time wisely and accomplish all that I have to do.

Love to you all

Saturday, June 28, 2008

My first week of summer vacation is over.

This week's main task was to finish and mail out invitations to my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary Party in August. Everyone joined in to help but it took a couple days. I need to get the details finalized before Germany- because the party is the week I get back. In some ways, I feel like I'm planning a wedding- color schemes, menu, favors, centerpieces, slideshow, music etc...

Here is the pic we used for the invite-
Everyone keeps commenting on my dad's ears. We've gotten quite the kick out of it. His head has definately grown over the years.

I spent two days this week at UCONN attending a Yearbook Workshop- it was incredible. So many great ideas and samples. I was able to meet our yearbook rep and photographers which was good. It is still a huge task but I feel better about it. It may end up being really enjoyable!

Last night was suppossed to be our first ladies Bible Study- but due to changes only 2 came. We visited for a bit and then Bethany and I ended up getting dinner out. It was nice to catch up with her and to have her back in the area.

Wish I had more exciting things to share- but for the moment, I'm laying low- enjoying my new portable dvd player and soaking up the rest. Next week begins the "dig in"- striking lots off the to-do list.


Friday, June 20, 2008

We're Done!
Today marks the first day of summer vacation- and of course, I have to go to school!
I left a few tasks undone- and I'd rather go in now when I have the momentum then wait until the fall when things are CRAZY!

This last week was crazy. Lots of unexpected- many unanswered questions- goodbyes and sweet times with kids/friends. I do really enjoy my job- and the community there, warts and all.

One piece of news is that I agreed to be a yearbook advisor for next year. I was very hesitant- but my co-worker Jaime agreed to do it with me, so that eases the stress a bit. It will be a lot of work and hopefully we'll have a motivated crew- but it will be a good investment at school. Thankfully, I will be able to go to a 2-day training next week at UCONN for it. I'm sure that will ease my mind a bit.

I still have to make our proposal for another service trip next year. It will have to go before the BOE as well. I believe I will meet with the principal after July 4th. There will also be some meetings with my director in July. This will very much be a "working summer".

Ever more important that I use my time wisely and maximize it.

One exciting thing is that I will be able to work at VBS this summer. I've missed the last few years because I've been in Haiti- so I'm looking forward to serving.

That's about it for now- need to get busy. Tonight is graduation and I am excited to see some of my kiddos finish! They make me proud.

Tomorrow is our superhero party at youth- should be a lot of fun!


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Four days left to the school year- I can hardly believe it! It just flew by. I have so much still to accomplish before Friday and so much more to "figure out" for next year. Pray I am able to complete all my tasks.

Youth Group "officially" ended last Wed. But- between Sunday ministry teams and activities, the kids won't be strangers. We'll have lots of good relationship building times this summer.

Our next big event is our Superhero party on the 21st. We're going all out with costumes and all- I'll be sure to post to pics. Let's just say, my costume involves lots of green paint!

I started writing out my summer to-do list- and it is long. I really want to maximize this summer and accomplish many tasks. The more I do now, the easier the coming school year will be. Pray I am able.

We are starting a young ladies Bible study this summer- so many of my girlfriends are desiring to go deeper and to have fellowship with like-minded women. I know that I really need this- and I'm looking forward to it!

Germany is about six weeks away! I'm getting excited- and enjoying reading through the lesson material. I think it is going to be a blast!!! Pray that my financial needs are met and that I am spiritually prepared for this experience.

It doesn't look like I'll be going to Haiti this summer- hopefully over Christmas break. We are in great need for financial resources to move the library forward. We are basically at a standstill right now. Our cement ceiling must be poured in one step and we can't do that until we have the full $25,000. Urgent prayer is needed about this. My heart gets heavy for the community members who are waiting and don't fully understand the constraints here.

The other big upcoming event is my parent's 50th anniversary party. They celebrated on June 7th- but we're holding the party 8/16. Maria is helping a ton and it should be a great night. I need to get invites out ASAP though.... I guess I should go do that!

Here are a few recent pics from youth group. We had an amazing year! God is so good- and our kids are amazing!


Not sure what I'm doing here--- James wanted to dance.
This pic of Levi cracks me up- he was getting ready for our skit
Jackie, Megan and Ana singing "Who Am I"
We cover the tables so that the kids can draw on them- they love it!
Chelsea, Ashley, Heather and Brianna

James, Levi and Matt- doing the :Ricky Train" (a long hilarious story!)

Saturday, May 31, 2008

A quick update

There are three weeks left to school- and I'm super excited. This has been a challenging year and I'm looking forward to a break. My paperwork is almost all wrapped up and I'll be able to concentrate on getting ready for the fall. There is a chance that I may lose some of the kids on my caseload- and that makes me sad. I really have a great crew and I've worked hard to build repoire with them. We'll have to wait and see what happens.

Last Friday- we hosted a coffee house at youth group. It seemed to go really well. The turn out was good- we were packed out and will have to use an alternate location for next year. Every church brought "acts" and everyone did really well. It was nice to sit back and watch the evening unfold!

I went to VA last weekend to visit Matt and Alicia. I needed to get away and just have a time-out. We had a good time just "being"! It is good to see their home and all the touches that are making it theirs. It was good to meet their family and friends- I also had the opportunity to see Kim in Lynchburg. That was a blessing! It is never long enough of a break but it definately got me recharged to finish the year.
Mom and Dad are home from the Ukraine- they had a great time. It is good to have them back. It was too quiet here. Next week, they celebrate their 50th anniversary! WOW!

The summer is coming together and I have tons of projects to accomplish. Pray I am able to give proper attention to all the tasks before me. I'm excited to see the things that God is unfolding and what the summer will hold. Germany will be here before I know it and then we'll jump head first back into youth ministry and school.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Last Saturday, the men of our church hosted a "Daughter's Dinner"- honoring all women of the church. They invited a special speaker- who shared the following song with us.

I'm in His Hands

I shall not fear though darkened clouds may gather 'round me
The God I serve is one who cares and understands
Although the storms I face would threaten to confound me,
of this I am assured, I'm in His hands.

I'm in His hands
What'eer the future holds
I'm in His hands
The days I cannot see have all been planned for me
His way is best, you see
I'm in His hands.

What though I cannot know the way that lies before me?
I still can trust and freely follow his commands
My faith is firm since it is He that watches o'er me
Of this I'm confident, I'm in His hands

In days gone by my Lord has always proved sufficient
When I have yielded to the law of love's demands
Why should I doubt that He would ever more be present
to make His will my own! I'm in His hands

I love the line- "my Lord has always proved sufficient" and "to make His will my own".
That is my prayer- that my desires would be replaced by those that are HIS. That His plans would be the plans of my heart instead of attempting to settle for the plans I have for myself.

It has been a busy few days- but I'm excited to see God actively at work. In the simple things (driving home today- I was in awe of the sunshine!) In His perfect timing (the van situation especially). In His confirmation (areas where I've had doubt- and to see that those decisions were right all along). In the peace He provides.

One of my students lost his father yesterday. The mother and I spoke soon after and I knew most of the day yesterday (before the student). It was hard to know and not be able to offer him comfort, when I knew in a few short hours (once he heard the news), his life was never going to be the same. He came to school today. He sought me out a number of times and we just sat together. He shared memories of his dad and what the last few days have been like. In those moments, I felt so utterly helpless. Nothing I can offer will ease his pain, change his circumstances or bring his daddy back. I pray that I am able to offer him comfort and a safe place where he can vent and express what is on his heart- and most importantly, I pray that I can offer him the love of the one who longs to be his Heavenly Daddy- the only one who can fill the void in his heart.


Saturday, May 03, 2008

When it rains, it pours.


I don't think I've ever felt it before- truly.... until now.

Coming home from NOLA and jumping head first back into work/ministry was challenging.

Then, last weekend happened. Two Stafford students were injured in an early morning accident. For one, the injuries were fatal. For the other, one of our high school students, the injuries will be forever life-altering. This past week at work has been hard as we wrestle with the questions and uncertainties. It has, however, thrown open the doors to share the love of Jesus with our students. We've had many opportunities to listen to them, comfort them, encourage and challenge them. Even in our times of sorrow and despair, God is working mightly. Tensions are high at school as we head into a series of evaluations over the next few days. There are six weeks left to school- and I think there will be a collective sigh of relief when we head for summer break.

But then, you have last night. Katie and I went to see the spring musical. A number of students that I work with were involved. It was so fun to see them stepping out of their comfort zones. Afterwards, one of my boys and his mom came over to see me. It's those little moments that you realize you are making a difference- one life at a time. I was so proud of him- he stole the show!

Today has been a good day as I try to catch up- on rest and work. I am thankful for days like this when the phone doesn't ring, it's quiet and I can move at my own pace. I finished my support letter for Germany today- and it gets me excited! Meeting my teammates last week was great- in the 10 days of camp, they truly get to know the young people and build strong relationships. I can't wait to see what God is going to there!

My heart has been heavy lately- I know being tired and overwhelmed play into it. But, in many ways, it goes deeper than that. There is dissapointment by the lack of urgency I see around me for things of God and for accomplishing His work. My heart desires to do so much more- but the constraints of life prevent it. I continue to bring these things before the Lord- pray for HIS perspective on them and that my desires would be the ones He has for me and not my own.

Psalm 91:1
"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty."
I love this verse. We need to dwell- to live 100% of the time in the Most High. We will find rest/comfort in His shadow. How big is He? That the cool covering of His mere shadow is sufficent to bring rest, to bring peace.

May you find rest today in the Almighty.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I've been running full tilt since before NOLA and now after coming home, there hasn't been a free minute. I MUST finish unpacking today and making some sort of order to my clothes! Thankfully, the delay of being locked out of my house when I got home last Saturday (the fam assumed I had a house key...silly silly), so the laundry was unpacked directly into the Laundromat. What a blessing!

Things never seem to settle on the work front. Every spring, I have to meet with each student's parents to devise their educational program for the coming school year. I've waded through most of my meetings with only 2 left to go! It will be good to get the paperwork settled so that I can put attention to planning for next year and getting organized. I have never felt like I've had this year under my belt. There are some new things I'd like to try as far as organization and data collecting for the fall- so I'm excited to get that set before the summer. There will be NO time to think about school over the summer!

Summer plans-

We have a number of events scheduled for the teens over the summer. I'm excited about our new format for ministry that we'll start hopefully in May. Once a week, the teens will be in their various "ministry teams" and begin to build a repertoire of presentations that can be used in a variety of settings. We want to focus them on service and not competition (TI). We've been asked to do a few different outreaches with other churches- which is really awesome! So the timing is perfect. Right now, we have a youth choir, puppet teams, drama teams and hopefully a quiz team. It is exciting to see them getting involved and learning. Pray that more teens will step forward and that many will look for individual ways to serve (story telling, solos, instrumental etc..). We are also looking to plan a week long work week for the teens in August. We will work on the youth building- hopefully painting/decorating as well as projects at the church. I have to work on this and get it organized but it is all to "prep" them for a possible missions trip next summer- perhaps overseas or back to NOLA!

My personal summer plans-

I hope to be in Haiti for a week- depending on the safety issues there. We need $25,000 to pour the ceiling. This is a job that has to be done in one shot- so we really can't move forward until that money comes in.

Another plan is to head to VA for a bit to see Alicia and Matt. Not sure if I'll drive or fly- but I have to go!

Then, July 26-Aug 11th, I will be going to Germany to teach at a youth camp. I'll teach English to christian teens. Tomorrow is our first team meeting and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone. The curriculum is intense and requires ALOT of planning on my part- pray I can do this. At first I thought, "no problem" but then things started to get emailed to me with more details and I got overwhelmed. I know God works through our weakness- and this will be good for me! I can't wait to see all that I learn in the process and what I am able to transfer to our youth and ministry here in general.

Otherwise- I plan to relax, get caught up, read, take some drives, walk, visit the ocean more, spend some time with my family, finish a few projects....

And I think I will listen to
Discovered her in NOLA, while working, and I really liked her style. This may be my Summer album.

In my quiet time two weeks ago, I came across these verses-

Proverbs 23:17-19

"Do not long for what sinners have. But always show great respect for the Lord. There really is hope for you tomorrow. So your hope will not be cut off. My child, listen and be wise. Keep your heart on the right path."

A friend reminded me a few months ago about the amazing opportunities I have. It is truly a blessing when I consider the travel I've been able to do- and the opportunities coming in the near future. And then, I consider the ministry situations I find myself in and I am overcome. And yet, there are still the quiet moments where I feel hopeless. The public life is amazing, but my heart longs for fulfillment in other areas- and these verses reminded me that there is HOPE- my responsibility is to honor the Lord and listen, be wise and keep my heart on HIS path.

I needed this reminder today.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Looking back- I'm not sure where the last month has gone- but it has been very busy!

The week before April Vacation was a blur and exhausting as there was so much to accomplish. I headed out Sunday the 13th for New Orleans with a small team of students from my high school to work for a week on homes destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. We worked with St. Bernard Project (check them out!). They were amazing and are doing great things! St. Bernard Parish, where we worked, is a wonderful community. All homes and businesses were destroyed in the storm and many people have not yet returned. Homes and businesses are abandoned, jobs are scarce but the hope and tenacity of these people remain. They are actively seeking to start over- return to normalacy and are helping one another get on their feet. We were amazed by their appreciation and positive attitudes and sweet spirits. Each person we met shared their story- and it was exciting to get so many different perspectives.

The destruction was horrible and there is still so much to do. Thousands of homes are being prepared to be demolished- many more houses are in various stages of repair and thousands of people need the resources to make that happen. It was a joy to work with St. Bernard Project who is tangibly helping one family at a time get back into their homes. So many feel like they have been abandandoned and forgotten by the greater community. And in many ways, they have. We don't hear the news reports, life has gone on for us- but these people mark time as to if something happened before/after Katrina. They've not only lost loved ones, their homes and possessions- but their culture has changed, their communities have been disrupted and the effects this will have in years to come is still unknown. Environmentally, the challenges are great as well. They asked that we not forget them.

Look to see what you can do to make a difference! We can all and must do something!

Friday, March 21, 2008

We had an amazing night at youth group this week. We had a guest speaker who gave an incredible plain but challenging gospel message.

We have a number of kids who aren't saved- and they were certainly challenged to make a decision.

He talked about letting God be the "boss" of your life- and I know that even our saved kids have to think about that and surrender.

I spoke to my small group after- and my two unsaved girls were so honest about not wanting to surrender to anyone! Not wanting to give control of their life to anyone else- even God.

I asked them- "How do you define God?"- they said He is all-powerful, he keeps the world running, made all things.

So I said, "Basically, you believe He can create the world, and decide when it will rain or have lightening and He is able to keep us safe and not allow the earth to self-combust. But, you're not willing to trust Him to be in control of your little life?"

Today, my heart has been so burdened for the girls. I know some of our kids get nervous that they will get turned off to the Lord. But- we have a responsibility to teach truth and to challenge them to a decision- while remaining loving and focused on the relationship we are trying to build.

Both girls wrote some pretty impressive stuff on their myspaces today. They both acknowledge their need for Christ- but the area of submission is holding them back. It was neat to read their impressions- that their perspectives are being changed and they do feel feel loved and accepted.

Please pray for these gals- and the others who are unsaved. My heart is so burdened for them. I know that God can reveal His truth and take away the blindness from their hearts. They have come so far. Pray we have wisdom as we minister to them. Pray that this challenges our kids and that it increases their faith.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

The last few weeks have been super busy- I'm enjoying a day of just relaxing and catching up.

Teens Involved was a great day! The kids did a great job with their presentations- had great attitudes and really supported one another! We were proud of them. Teens Involved always allows for teachable moments and it was good to challenge them in service and presentation.

The gang- don't we look good!

Not sure what Matt is doing here.....

Last weekend was our Mission's Conference. It was challenging and great to hear from a variety of our missionaries.

This year, I was asked to plan a youth meeting for the conference. One night, as I was laying in bed, God clearly gave me the idea of a Ministry Fair for Youth. It seemed like an incredibly daunting task and I'm sure a few people thought I was crazy. With Katie's help, it turned out to be amazing! We had 20 different ministries represented and 4 youth groups attending. There were about 160 people there! Everything ran so well! The teens had the opportunity to visit the displays and then they choose 2 presentations that they wanted to know more about- meeting over dinner and dessert. How great to hear the kids say, "there wasn't enough time to see it all!". They were all so engaged and interested! Everyone seemed to walk away encouraged- the teens, youth leaders and presenters. Many got excited about serving the Lord and are actively pursuing opportunities.

Some of our kids with a presenter-

We ended the night with a large rally- worship band, youth choir, drama team, testimonies, media presentations and our speaker. With so many players, I was wondering how it would all flow. And- it was all great! Everything was seamless. There are always some technolgy glitches but everything worked out.

I am overwhelmed by the event- how everyone helped out- how things were received- how it all flowed. It was amazing! God is so good. We are pumped to do another fair next year- actually considering turning it into an all-day conference for youth/youth leaders. Very exciting.

I've really been challenged to step up ministry with our teens- I think it was it lacking and allowing them to be apathetic. They do a lot of ministry- but we have not "forced" them out into truly uncomfortable situations where they have to rely on God- we have not sufficiently trained them to share the gospel. So- this will be our goal in the coming year. Pray we have wisdom as we pursue our purpose.

Everything else is coming along- New Orleans in a few weeks. I did decide to go to Germany this summer- July 27-Aug 11th. That will be exciting. I should be in Haiti in July sometime to.

We just received a large gift for Haiti- awesome! I'm praying that God uses 1 person to meet our financial need. A big request- but I know HE can do it!

We are heading into the very busy season of annuals at school- lots of meetings to attend. But- three months until summer break! Yippee!

I heard this song at our Youth Rally and I've been meditating on it since...

Here Am I Lord by The Micah Tawkls Band

You are the Lord of sea and sky, You have heard Your people cry

all who dwell in dark and sin, Your hand will save

You who made the stars of night, You will make their darkness bright,

You will give Your light to them, who will You send?

Here Am I Lord? Is it I Lord? I have heard You calling in the night.

I will go Lord, if You lead me, I will hold Your people in my heart!

You are the Lord of snow and rain, You have bore Your people's pain,

You have wept for love for them, they turn away

You will break their hearts of stone, give them hearts for love alone,

You will speak Your words to them, who will You send?

Here Am I Lord? Is it I Lord? I have heard You calling in the night!

I will go Lord, If You lead me, I will hold Your people in my heart!

You are Lord of wind and flame, You turn the poor and lame

You will give Your life to them, Who will you send?

That's it for now- thank you for praying for me and checking in to see that I'm still alive!
God is good and He is daily challenging me.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Another snow day! Come June I may be regretting these- but they do have a way of falling in a needed spot.

So much is going on- it is nice to have a day to catch my breath. Last week, I was sick with some type of flu bug. I didn't leave my bed for two days (or eat for that matter- which does wonders for the figure). Once the fever broke and the foggy congestion started to clear, I was able to get back into the swing of things- but we lost a bit of time. I missed two days of work and I haven't been able to get back into things since being back. I'm discovering that although I love my job- it is a tough job and most days I wonder if I'm doing a lot right. We have a new boss who is bringing a lot of good changes- but I feel overwhelmed most of the time. So many i's to dot and t's to cross. Seventy-six days to summer break but who's counting???

Teens Involved is tomorrow. The youth have been working hard on music, puppets and drama and it is always a great day for them. I'm praying they have good attitudes and work well as teams. Satan has been seeking to discourage them in the last few weeks. God brings great teachable moments along- they aren't always comfortable for the teens or us- but I pray that we all gain what He wants us to learn through them.

The next big event is our Ministry Fair on 3/8. We have about 20 different ministries coming in to present to our youth. We will have time for the teens to get information about service opportunties and to talk in a small group setting with the presenters. We'll end the evening with a youth rally including music/drama/media and our speaker. It is always exciting to see how events like this come together and I'm praying we have a great showing of youth (100) and it is an encouragment to all involved! I've gotten a lot done for the event but there is still a bit to fine-tune and organize.

Then- April hits and I head to New Orleans for a week with a team of girls from school. We still need to raise about 2500$ to pay for the expenses. I'm excited about the trip (a little bummed that I'm losing my entire vacation)- but I know this will be a great experience.

I still haven't made a firm decision about Germany this summer. I think I'll do it- but have been holding off making a decision- not because I don't want to, just because I've had so many other things on my mind.

Overall- things are going well. Actually, some things are going so well I wonder when the tide will turn. Other things- just are. There is always that nagging question "is this it?". I feel like I was made for more and it frustrates me that the things I really want to put my attention to, I can't because of responsibilities like- a job. I praise God for the opportunties I have to share Him at work and I know this season has a purpose. But sometimes it's hard to be content in the waiting.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

This was the first weekend in a bit that I was able to truly stop for a bit. It felt good yesterday- though I was a wee bit grumpy to hear my cell ring before 8am- WHO could be calling on a Saturday morning???? Just kidding Rob!

The last few weeks have been so full. Work has been very busy- almost to the point of overwhelming. One day- I thought I was going to breakdown. I was so behind and couldn't get my head above water. Katie was so wonderful to stay late with me and help me wrap up some important to-dos. What a blessing her friendship is. We spent some time together yesterday and it is always enjoyable to hear what God is doing in and through her. She challenges me to be faithful and a bold witness- I fail so often. I appreciate her wisdom and insight. Friday night was great too as I got to catch up with Bek (and enjoy the most delicous steaks ever!- plus new shoes at TJ Maxx to boot!)

Today was a full day with the youth. We are gearing up for Teens Involved and had a number of practices planned. The teens are working hard and really doing a nice job. I love to see them getting excited and involved. Plus- it is fun to hang out with them. They are so hilarious!

Speaking of- last weekend was Snow Camp. We had an adventerous drive up including some bad weather and a spin out on the highway - I won't tell you WHO did that???

The weekend was fantastic. The kids enjoyed each other and that was pretty cool. They had awesome counselors who answered all their questions. It was neat to see God working and challenging many of them. It was especially exciting to see our unsaved kids really questioning and seeking. One said to me, "I know that I need to accept Christ." Another said they believed but were not ready to surrender to the Lord yet. Pray for these kids- they are so close to making a decision for Christ. It was exciting to see our teens witnessing to them and being a light- and to see our kids really looking out for one another. Most of our kids had never gone to Snow Camp before and the more experienced kids took them under their wings to help them out. I walked away truly blessed- especially when the counselors complimented our youth and leaders. It made me smile to think back over the hard work that we've put in the last 1.5 years. I felt like this weekend brought me closer to a number of the kids too.

Enjoy a few pics and video of our kids-

Sunday, January 13, 2008

There is threat of a snow day tomorrow- yippee!
I should be heading to bed, just in case- but an update is in order.

Hmmm- where to begin?

School: Is crazy!!! We are in the midst of many changes and it is challenging. Some curve balls have been thrown lately, and I'm praying I come out as gold. The good news is that I have moved in to my very own classroom finally! It is such a blessing. Slowly I'm making it home- and I look forward to decorating in the next two weeks. My kids are happy to have a place to call their own- where it is "just us". I'm back on the first floor in the throws of activity- which I enjoy!

Youth: Is crazy too!! We have been busy! Last weekend we took the kids to the soup kitchen- they had a good time and were a blessing to many. In the evening, we took them to a concert which they all enjoyed. Youth group is growing- we had 34 on Wednesday with 5 new kiddos!!! Is is overwhelming- but I pray we have wisdom and know God will supply all we need. We are seeing exciting things happening- excellent questions, teens stepping up in ministry and also many developing godly habits. One joy is that I get to bring a girl home every week and we get to have some 1 on 1 time. Pray I have wisdom as I disciple her. We are taking 21 to snow camp- which is challenging but exciting! We are also in the midst of Teens Involved Preparation- which is fun and I love seeing the teens step out! Today- I was reminded again of how much I truly love these teens. They are a blessing and joy! The big project I'm working on now is a Ministry Fair for March- we are hosting area youth groups and inviting a variety of presenters to come and share their work. It is a huge undertaking- pray it all comes together!!

Life in general: We had a marvelous spa day last Sunday- it was so good to be pampered. I enjoyed the day with friends and we laughed so much. The investment is well worth it. This week is busy between planning meetings and a HOPE council meeting. Pray we have wisdom.

The Lord is continuing to challenge me- We've been reading in Matthew for our Quiet Time. I've been reminded that Christ could heal with just a simple touch or word. Nothing is too hard for him. He can change hearts- He can orchestrate His plans through any situation- through any amount of confusion or failure on our part. He can change the hardest hearts- He can heal the brokenness.

One song that I'm teaching the teens is All I Need by Bethany Dillon. It has been a challenge to me in recent weeks- what am I relying on? myself? others? He is our rock- our fortress- our protector- our comforter. He is All I Need!

When the day is done
And there's no one else around
While I'm lying here in bed
You're in my heart, You're in my head
You're all I need, You're all I need

There are a million voices
Calling out my name
But You're the One I want to hear
So make the others disappear

You are all I need when I'm surrounded
You are all I need if I'm by myself
You fill me when I'm empty
There is nothing else
You're all I need

When the morning comes
And Your mercy is renewed
There's a fire in my bones
I'm not afraid to go alone
You're all I need, You're all I need

The sun on my face
I hear You whisper loud
You're still the God that opens seas
Every flower, even me
You're all I need, You're all I need

I'm drawn to everything that You do
Nothing compares with You


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

First Post of 2008!

A New Year! I love looking at a fresh, clean calendar and imagining how the days and months will unfold. Slowly, the little boxes will become full of plans and possibilities. With anticipation, I wait for specific days- a celebration, an adventure, reconnecting with friends, the comfort that on certain days I have a standing date (the youth....don't get your hopes up!). Isn't it fun to look back at a filled-in calendar (or better yet a journal) and see how the events unfolded and turned out.

For a few years now, I've made a point to set goals for the coming year. Not one for resolutions, setting goals seem more attainable and I'm motivated to work toward them. Some of my goals are broad (discipleship ministry, marriage/motherhood) while others are quite specific (write a book for preacher's kids, take a photography course, travel to Colombia). Each New Year's, I take some time to sit and reflect on each goal- what I've done to work toward that goal or to revamp the goal as God directs me. Early this morning- around 2am I guess- I sat on my bed and did just that. It was exciting to record progress in certain areas and to be challenged to regain the momentum in other areas. This accountability is good for me- it keeps me purposeful and heading in a good direction.

Below is a familiar passage about God's plan for us- but catch it these two versions. Doesn't that just excite you! In talking with my friend Carrie on Sunday- how cool was it to be reminded that our God desires good things for us- and has amazing plans in store for us. For me. He has amazing plans in store for me. When I reflect on some of the amazing people He has brought into my life and the incredible opportunities I have- and the tremendous ministry that I get to be involved in- HOW MUCH MORE is to come! How humbling- that He would choose me.

Jeremiah 29: 10-14 The Message
This is God's Word on the subject: "... and not a day before, I'll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen. When you come looking for me, you'll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed. God's Decree. I'll turn things around for you. I'll bring you back from all the countries into which I drove you—God's Decree—bring you home to the place from which I sent you off into exile. You can count on it."

New Living Translation
"This is what the Lord says: ... For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you, says the Lord."

More to See- Hillsong

Well I know that I may have had
My share of failing and falling
But I have come to understand
One thing remains

By all He’s done
I have been made holy
Worthy of serving the One
The One who wrote eternity
So deep in my heart

Open your eyes and see
The wonder of a life
So wonderfully free
Lift up your head believe
There is more
There’s so much more to see

You remind me still
Of the hope and promise
Daring my heart to be brave
And all the while You strengthen me
So deep in my heart

His mercies are new every morning
His mercies are new every day
His mercies are new every morning
Beautifully new every day

His mercies are new every year!
Have a Joyous New Year!
