Saturday, December 13, 2008

This was a tough week. I haven't been able to formulate all of my thoughts- but I know that I'm raw. There has been a lot of pressure lately- some self-inflicted, some out of my control. Not every response that I've given has been good, and I'm sad that I didn't respond in a more God-honoring way. This was the first week were I realized how much I can take when it comes to my students. I love them. I really do. But, when you invest so much of yourself- your time, energy and heart and then you are treated badly, I think everyone comes to a breaking point. The reassurring part, is when the student actually comes back and wants to make things right. That was very special. There have been elements of frustration- well, many elements of frustration. Things that wouldn't necessarily bother me have and others I've just lost patience over. Often my expectations on what I should accomplish, personally and work-related, are unrealistic. On the other hand, I can't get my head above my work load and I wonder what I'm not doing right.

Needless to say, I'm ready for a nice Christmas break. It will be good to relax, rest and catch up (or get ahead depending on your perspective).

Last Saturday I went to an Andrew Peterson concert with Sarah and Diana. It was beautiful. So fun to be with friends too. The music- the hearts shared by the artists were amazing. I didn't want the evening to end. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed these artists- and haven't stopped listening to them since. If the Behold the Lamb tour ever comes near you- you have to go! It is incredible!

Hoping everyone is well and enjoying this season.



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