Monday, February 26, 2007

Now this is why I call New England home!

Yet again- another snow day. I was so hoping for one!

We had a great time at Teens Involved. The kids did well! Not only were they excited about their entries but they were able to see the potential. They already are planning for next year (dramas, solos, worship band). Our gang all had good attitudes, were supportive of each other and pulled together when one member had to go home sick.

Here are some pics...

Now we have about 7 weeks until Regionals- and lots of work ahead of us. We need to add parts and props to the presentations. Two of the best results of this day- one, having the kids make suggestions of how they can use these in ministry at our church and having a parent come up to me and say he has never seen his son so excited and pumped before! Little breakthroughs.

We are planning a coffee house for April- I'm praying that the kids really get into it and explore how they can reach out to their friends by using their gifts and abilities.

In other news- this will be another busy week! The year has flown by and I think that is due to mainly always being busy. I've started planning my summer and hope to work intensely on a number of things to prep for next fall (teen club mainly). I'll have lots of work related reading to do as well. I'm also in the midst of planning two trips- one to San Francisco/San Jose with the B-suite gals. And- the second to Haiti in July for HOPE. I'm supposed to plan the Teen VBS program as well. Before you know it, it will be Fall and back to school!

Ahh- I should get to work! That's what this snow day is for!

Love to you All!

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