Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ready now....

Coming home from Haiti is always an emotional roller coaster. I usually dread going down to Haiti- sounds weird huh? I think it is because I anticipate the travel and I don't really enjoy it. But, once I'm there I'm fine! The world disappears when I'm there and I gain clarity- of what I can truly live without, what truly matters. I'm not usually anxious to come- this time I couldn't wait.

Our trip was very successful. We were able to see the foundation started. After a amazing Groundbreaking Ceremony and men stepping forward to demonstrate their commitment to the project, work got underway. By the time we left, trenches were dug, forms were in place and the trenches were being filled with rock and cement. With only $1500 more, we will be able to finish the foundation. We have all the blocks we need to complete the first floor- we just need $15,000 to do so.
Maxim helping move rocks- pray this little boy accepts Christ as Savior
Our foundation- trenches filled in and irons in place!

In the afternoons we held a VBS for the children- they were darling. So enthusiastic! It was wonderful to hear them sing, listen with attention to the Bible story and enjoy the craft time.

Some of the beautiful children- pray they hear truth and accept Christ
The team worked well together overall- it is always interesting with different personalities. The gal from my church did wonderfully- it was a blessing to see how God is developing her. Awesome.

Wilson- one of our translators with Valerie and Chelsea

We had some health challenges on the way home- I Praise God for his wisdom. I've never been more frightened before and we had to make crucial medical decisions. But- He is good and provided exactly what we needed. Unending Thanks to all who prayed!

We met amazing people- a witch doctor saved out of Voodoo, dedicated and humble pastors, teachers begging for training- my heart is heavy with the needs. I'm humbled by the responsibility God has placed on me- hundreds, thousands are depending on this project to bring HOPE and advancement for the community and the church. I'm overwhelmed. Jean- former Voodoo Witch Doctor- now evangelist!!! What a transformation!

Our project managers and contractors

Go Go and Wilson- our two translators and my good friends!Wilson with his brother and sister. I am Lubetina's sponsor so it was lovely to meet her.

I had about of week of some low moments- I have a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I hit the ground running when I came home and ended up having to step back and rest.

My time is stretched so thin- between HOPE, Youth Group and School. Pray I have wisdom and time management.

We start the new youth group year on 9/5- and have a retreat scheduled for 8/17-18. So, I have a bit of planning to put together. School starts end of Aug, with the kids coming on 9/5. There have been staff changes and I'm starting to realize I need to get into school mode. It will be a busy first few months.

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer-

Love to you all


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