Saturday, November 24, 2007

When I was growing up, my mom had the habit of putting verses up around our house. They were her little way of reminding us of truth without having to lecture us. On the TV was a little note card that said, "I will put no evil thing before mine eye". The one that I remember best was above the sink. I hated (and still dislike) to wash dishes. Written in red ink on a tiny index card was the verse, "When the people complained it displeased the Lord, and the Lord heard it and His anger was kindled." Nothing like a little guilt to make time pass while washing dishes. There I was, scrubbing the pots and rinsing the soap meditating on that verse. And it stuck.

Complaining. I fall so easily into it. There have been some big changes at work- and some meetings have not gone as I anticipated, and I've been angry. I've been complaining. It is so wrong- not necessarily my frustrations but the way I've gone about handling it. Not talking to the right person who can fix the problem. I need to work at holding my tongue and using it to build up my team instead of chiming in with the grumbling.

Thanksgiving has come and gone and it is good to take time to reflect on God's goodness. In the last four weeks- I have seen God's goodness so clearly. In my time of need, He showed up big time and made Himself apparent. He hasn't alleviated the pain or fixed the situations- but He has demonstrated His power to bring comfort, clarity and peace. He has provided insights and clear answers to questions plaguing my heart.

Last night we took the teens to Superbowl. God so abundantly provided an amazing bus to transport our crew of 41. He gave safety and clarity-focus for our driver and keen attention from our teens during the message. Three girls went forward for dedication, one for salvation (though I'm not sure where she is at- pray for her) and one of our guys to cement his decision. It was awesome to hear that he had been reading the Word and coming to a place of surrender but wanted to "make it a clear memory" last night. Kim had the opportunity to share with him and want a blessing it was to see his smile as he relayed the conversation. I sit back, humbled and amazed at our kids. Last year we took under twenty- this year we doubled. We have so many new faces amongst our group. Many do not know the Lord and yet they are so real. They are open with their questions- open about their doubts. And....they keep coming back. I'm floored. We've got something- they may not know they want it yet, but they sense a difference. They sense a safe place and they know they are loved. One girl said, "The first time I came here, I almost walked out- everyone was so holy!" But, she keeps coming back (and we are far from holy....). Last week, when she said she didn't know why she kept coming, I was able to share with her that I believe God has a calling on her heart. I encouraged her to keep seeking, asking questions and asking God to show up. How amazing to sit with her and pray that very prayer. And- to send her home with a Bible and quiet time. Pray she begins to read God's Word and that it speaks to her heart. What an amazing privilege we have to work with these teens. It is not to be taken lightly. They have been a source of blessing and encouragement to me.

His Word has been soothing to my soul and I find myself anticipating my time with Him everyday. Sadly, that has not always been the case. So easily I fall into the trap of fitting in my quick quiet time to ease my conscience and suffice "the requirement". In the last two months, my quiet times have deepened- the Word has pierced my heart with challenge, conviction and comfort. His Word is sufficient to calm all our anxieties, to answer each question, to give direction and hope.

In school this week, we listed what we were thankful for...

I am thankful for....

- Family and friends: who listen, hold me, cry with me, challenge, remind, soothe, laugh, give solace, say the things I wish I could

- For daily provision: to meet my obligations, to provide for my needs and to enjoy the activities around me

- For a job: that satisfies my intellect, gives purpose, meets real needs, provides ministry

- For ministry: provides challenges to my character and ability, allows for creativity and risks, creates opportunity to be in the middle of God's Work

- For my teens: whose hunger and desire is contagious, who want to serve, who have great ideas and enthusiasm, who hold me accountable, who question, explore and want what's real, who challenge me to be authentic, who force me to know and live Truth

- For the simple pleasures: holding a baby in awe, hearing laughs and giggles, watching smiles and camaraderie, hearing a teen pray, watching someone take a risk, seeing someone blessed through service, the beat of a drum, new flannel sheets, moments to escape in creativity, a song that speaks to my soul, dinner with a friend, extra time to catch up, extra time to relax, parents that listen and come alongside of you, a thank-you, my cat's purr, a brother who runs that last-minute errand I can't get to, being able to ask for help

- For the confidence: of knowing that nothing happens to us that has not first passed through God's hands- it is given to us with His full knowledge and with purpose. All that we experience has the fundamental purpose to increase our desire for God and to draw us to Himself.

- For the assurance that:

"God is faithful" Psalm 89:1

"No good thing will He withhold from the people who walk upright." Psalm 84:11

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord." Psalm 37:23

"Not one word has failed of all the good promises he gave." 1 Kings 8:56

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our heart knows, the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." Romans 8:26-27

"All things work together for good to them that love God." Romans 8:28

"Is anything to hard for the LORD?" Genesis 18:14

"Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline." Revelation 3:19

"Whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ." Philippians 3:7

"Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed." Romans 4:18

"Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." John 12:24

" that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9

"Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again." Psalm 71:20

"Blessed is the one who waits." Daniel 12:12

"Commit your way to the Lord." Psalm 37:5

"Do you believer that I am able to do this?" Matthew 9:28

"Be still and KNOW that I am God." Psalm 46:10

May you know that HE is God


Matt and Alicia DeWever said...

I'm so glad the Superbowl went over with awesomeness! And the entirety of this post is just so great. I miss you. It makes me long for our trip home even more. Yesterday we decorated the outside of the house. We made a wreath that weighs about 50 lbs and covers the entire picture window. Cedar, is definitely one thing I'm thankful for, along with Kona's purrr. Love you!

Anonymous said...

It is so great to see how God is working in your life, my dear Elisabeth. You encourage me. Thanks for going to the Lord and His Word to help you find the truth. Life is very hard but nothing can separate you from the love of God. He is constant. He never changes. Love you lots, Bonnie