Saturday, March 04, 2006


It’s been 11 months since I’ve been to Haiti. Talk about having withdrawals. I miss it so much I have to “chat it up” with all the Haitians that work at the local grocery store in Stamford- just to get a tiny taste. In August, I traveled to the Dominican Republic and worked with Haitians in the sugarcane bateys- and it was an unique adventure but just not the same as being in Haiti. My reason for not traveling to Haiti has not been for lack of desire but due to the political unrest and wave of kidnappings throughout the last year. Thankfully, the atmosphere is much more peaceful due to the recent elections.

Finally- I am heading back to Haiti! I’ll be leaving in 3 weeks for a four day trip. It will be short but hopefully productive. We will be traveling to Pestel to meet with the local pastors and school administrators to discuss the community library and youth center project. We will also be surveying our land and gathering information about building materials. This trip is so important in preparing the foundation of our ministry.

The best part… My dad is coming with me! It has been my hope that members of my family could join me on a trip and see this country that I have fallen in love with. And now it’s happening. And, I think he is excited to go (I can’t tell…but you never can with him!).

As the dates approach, I’ll share more specific prayer requests- but I do ask that all of you pray about this. There are a lot of logistical items that need to be worked out before our departure. Pestel is very rural and communication is not easy. Also, pray as we plan out our presentation and “plan of attack”.

I’m so excited…I think I’ll start packing!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are headed back! God's grace we with you!

Anonymous said...

i am so excited for you! it has been so awesome to see God work in your life and how He has placed that country in your heart. i'll be praying for you. love you!