Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I have to say goodbye...

I didn't think it would be so hard
to say goodbye to you

Through the good and bad days
you saw me through

Never changing, always constant
I could depend on you

Daily, you gave me a sense of security
I never had to fret

An old friend brought us together,
a friend I will never forget

But the time has come to say goodbye
Change is good they say

So I bid farewell to my favorite password
and know I will forget my new one today!

Yes folks....the day has come. I had to change my password- the one I've had since I first got email. Basically it was time and I had an issue with tampering so to be safe I changed it. Believe it or not- it really tore me up. Everytime I typed it, it reminded me of an old friend. Changing my password has been on my mind so much I even dreamt about it the other night. Very sad I know.
Maybe someday, I'll be able to use it again. But for now, it must be retired.


Matt and Alicia DeWever said...

I love you,"Berger."

Anonymous said...

so how was your dream about your beloved password? = ) just wondering.