Monday, September 18, 2006

Nothing catchy

Every day I cycle through my favorite blogs and silently curse that no one has updated. Then, I realize I haven't updated yet either. I guess we all are just a little busy. fill everyone in.

School is good. Actually, I love school. I love my kiddos- some are just so darn cute. Some can be challenging but so far so good. Others, just break your heart. I'm happy I made the switch to Special Ed. Even though I feel overwhelmed most days- and like I have no idea what I'm doing, Slowly I'm learning and I know in the long run, things will settle down once I get into a routine. Most days, I've been staying at school at least until 5pm (which doesn't sound so bad until you consider that I leave my house at 6:30- arrive to school for 7am and that I am able to leave at 2:30). It seems like there is a meeting everyday after school for something or other...or that I never get to my "to-do" list during my prep period because I'm busy tracking down teachers/students or running to my supervisor with lists of questions. I know I have to plug in right away and I'm actually pretty proud of myself for the job I'm doing so far. I'm sleeping more and staying disciplined- which are my two biggest weaknesses when it comes to school.

Teen Club starts Wed. I spent all day Sat. getting material ready for our first evening. I have a bit more to do as well as finish planning the intro "lesson"- but everything will be great if it goes according to plan. We have our activities planned out through January and I'm pretty excited about a few of them (STORM- which is a like a old jalopy raid and a New Year's Eve Retreat!). I have great leaders who are going above and beyond. This Fri-Sat, I'll be going up to WOL for a leadership conference. I'm looking forward to the day off from school, time with the gal leaders, the Adirondacks and being back at WOL- I haven't been there since 2002.

I celebrated my 28th birthday on Sat. I can't believe I'm 28. So close to thirty. Yikes. I'm not going to think about it anymore.

Hmm....not much else to share.

Here are two photos from a recent trip to the movies w/Sarah, Diana and Rebecca
Sarah is such a card....I love her! NO ONE makes me laugh like Sarah! You know when you laugh so hard no sound comes out- yup, those kind of laughs!

~Love to you all~

1 comment:

Matt and Alicia DeWever said...

well, well, well...
This is my week for catching up on long-lost projects, including the blog (wink, wink). My week with Meadow House was so great. Lots of parenting lessons smushed together with memories of being the kid I used to be. I played outside, supervised the digging of a mine shaft, helped to raise a barn, and got lots of practice for feeding the vegetarian family of seven. Oye! Can't wait to chat, but sounds like you're super busy. Or maybe not... hope we connect soon :)