Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

It is good to have a break. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind between school and youth group. It was good to go to bed last night and know that I could just wake up "whenever". Granted, now that I'm getting "older"- my body naturally wakes up between 7:30-8:00am. Not those "wake up at 2pm" kind of days from my youth. Oh well.

It was a short week at school- but full. Monday was my 1st of 6 observations this year. I planned to teach a science lesson to my reading skills kids. They were well-behaved. I overplanned and we barely made it to the end of the lesson- but I think it went well overall. I have two more planned for December. They will be English lessons which shouldn't be hard to do in my reading class.

We had a 1/2 day on Wednesday- but I stayed late to wrap up some items. That way, I could go home and truly have nothing to do for school. Next week will be a short week. I'm taking a day off on Wednesday since I have to visit the dentist/doctor- haven't seen them in awhile- but now I have insurance!! Thursday will be another round of due process hearings- fun times.

Our church is doing something new this year. Instead of our usual Christmas program- they are stretching it out over 5 weeks. Using a VBS program called Bethlehem Village, each SS morning for the 5 weeks of Advent, will feature 1 day of the program. The attenders move through "Bethlehem Village" in tribal groups. They have a gathering time and the main teaching is done through a drama illustrating the Christmas story. They travel to various shops- the dye shop, music shop, toy shop, farmer's market etc... I like that we are doing something different and new- and hope that it will attract people from within our church to attend SS faithfully as well as create an opportunity visitors. I am in charge of the music shop. We will do the same thing each week- make a small flute. I have to put together a sample and get a costume tomorrow. I think the whole program will focus us more on the birth of Christ.

Otherwise- I don't have a ton of activities planned for the holidays. We'll take our teens to the mall for Christmas shopping. The teens are also holding an evening of Christmas caroling for the church. I signed up to be a secret santa at school with our staff members. At first, I declined- feeling a bit overwhelmed with to-do's. But, then I figured I'd miss out if I didn't. We are hosting a New Year's retreat for the teens- which should be a lot of fun but I will have to do most of the planning. Then, the new year starts with Snow Camp in Feb, Teens Involved around the corner! It never ends!!

I have that long to-do list that never seems to shorten. But, I do plan to take some time this weekend to read. Haven't done that in so long. And, to relax with the family and some friends.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day- I am truly thankful and blessed to have friends like you!

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