Saturday, August 11, 2007


My heart is full- my head is full.

I spent the last three days attending the Leadership Summit put on by Willow Creek. Some of you are probably surprised that I went. I am myself. As most of you know, I don't make decisions lightly- I analyze, mull over and dissect something before I do it. Beyond having pure motives, I wanted to make sure this event would be beneficial for me. In looking at the line up of speakers, I saw that most were from the marketplace and not believers. I wondered, "what can an unbeliever teach me about leadership?". Was I in for an awakening. God's truth is all around us- even in unbelievers. He can use them to speak to us- to challenge us. Along with listening to any speaker, we must always have the discernment to evaluate what is said in light of scripture.

The talks were so timely, as we begin a new year of youth group. I've felt beaten down in recent weeks and wondering if I'm doing anything right at all. The speakers were incredibly encouraging- providing helpful insights as to how to empower your team to grab hold of your vision, how to motivate them, how to develop strategy etc...

One of the greatest truths that came through time and time again was, "know the needs of your community" and work to reach them. So often, the church gets so wrapped up in "doing church" and doing things to serve ourselves, that we forget to reach tangible needs in the community around us. As we meet needs, demonstrating God's love, the community will be confronted with the living embodiment of Christ- and they will be without excuse. This is the approach we've taken in Haiti- and it is working! Now, if we can just transpose this here.

The other truth that was impressed upon my heart was that God has me here "for such a time as this" (Esther). That gives great comfort when situations are not ideal.

There were so many other amazing principles given- it's hard to know even where to start. But, I can't lead others if I don't lead myself well- so that is where I need to start, leading myself.

It was an amazing three days- and my heart is satisfied.

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