Monday, April 02, 2007

It's been a long day- and I'm beat. But, before I turn in.... I just have to mention what a great weekend I had.

Since I had to take a 1/2 day off work on Friday to see the doctor, I decided I was going to live up the gorgeous day! Rebecca met me and we perused my favorite antique store. I don't go often- and the one thing I allowed myself to splurge on were old photographs. I love collecting them. It fascinates me to look at the clothing, the expressions (or lack thereof), and the interactions within the pictures. It is always extra special to find sets of pictures- a family, or a person over the years. And- I especially love it when I find ones with dates/transcriptions. On Friday, I found a few good finds. A couple photos from the late 1800's- 1892 I think. And- the coolest was an old "scrapbook" from 1908. The pictures weren't the greatest, but the captions were so awesome. I was in my glory- and all my treasures only cost me a mere $27.
Then we met Bethany for dinner at my favorite restaurant- The Courthouse. Dinner was delicious and there was much laughter! Saturday, after a restful morning, I ventured down for my friend Josh's "pre-wedding" reception. It was lovely! After, the old gang went out for Japanese. Again, the food was great and the company even greater. I miss having Josh around- and it was nice to catch up with him. His fiance Sarah is lovely and the are so well suited. I am happy for him. He seems so content and relaxed. His happiness is so deserved. Two people so finely crafted and suited for each other- as the pastor said, "created for each other"- and that couldn't be more true. We had a great time together- I miss those days.

Sunday, after church, we took the teens to the nursing home to lead the service. They did a good job singing (though I did find it funny that the girl who is not working to full lung capacity could still sing over big mouth I guess). Ricky gave a testimony and two girls did readings. At the second home, one of the ladies from our church came. She is such a dear- and I know she is so frustrated to not be able to come to church. She cried through most of the service and told us later that "we brought joy to her heart". I hope the teens grasp the importance of not forgetting the elderly and that even the simplest act of service can bring them great comfort.

I had a few hours to kill after that and before worship team practice- so Bek met me and we went to Apple Valley to shop. I found some excellent bargains and even treated myself to a new skirt- I love it!!! Couldn't pass on the great deal. The evening was rounded out by worship team- which was good as we're preparing for Easter service. But, my lungs are really struggling today because of all the singing. Pray they will be rested for Sunday- since there are only three of us singing, I need to be in decent shape.

The week looks pretty routine- I have a math observation on Wed. I'm hoping it goes well. The class I will be working with can be a challenge- I observed in there today and they were good- I hope it continues. I plan to have them work with Teddy Grahams (creating pie charts of the different varieties the class will have)- hopefully knowing they can eat them when they are done will satiate their desire to eat me alive. I don't have any PPT's this week (can I get an Amen???). My favorite boy went home sick today- he did not look or sound good (while I was talking to him this morning, I kept trying to eye where the wastebasket was in case he needed it quick). Hopefully he gets better- making up assignments it not an easy task for him.

Oh- I started practicing tonight with our drama crew. They are preparing a skit for the coffee house 4/18. They did a good job for being the first night. Pray that they are able to memorize their lines- I'm hoping this will be the gospel presentation for the event. Also, pray we have a good response to the coffee house. I've invited 7 youth groups to come (I'm almost afraid that they all will come and we'll be maxed out). Our teens are preparing presentations- and I'm hoping for 2 guitarists to come and play some interlude music. I really have to sit down and wrap up the plans.

Hmmm- Friday we have off. Can't wait! The weekend is full with Good Friday and Easter activities. One more week and then April Vacation! (double amen).

Alright- enough rambling. I'm headed to bed.
Love to you all~


Matt and Alicia DeWever said...

It's good to hear that you're still up to your old jollies: antique pics and bargain shopping! Gosh, I miss you and yet the weekend was so great for me too.
I came back to work this morning to some real horror stories about the kids. Police calls, suicide threats, and super cleaning the house... what an adventure! I'm glad I was in CT!

THE Cynical Fat Girl said...

Be careful with those Teddy Grahams... I just heard on the news that a mother found a copper staple in her toddlers snack bag of Teddy Grahams! I'm not entirely sure your high schoolers would know to avoid eating that little surprise!!!