Friday, March 16, 2007

I almost forgot...

the best part of my day yesterday!

During worship practice- my cell phone started to ring (it sounds like the Austin Powers theme actually) Caller i.d. said it was my "work cell"- which was my cell when I was nannying. The voice on the other end was not recognizable though. After a minute I realized it was my boy- whose voice is changing! I was so excited! We talked for a bit and got caught up on friends, school (lack of good grades mind you), broken bones, allergies, the dog, his family, guitar lessons, summer plans (not band camp this year), the new nanny and a few hearty chuckles reminiscing.
He is precious- and even though there were some tough days- I miss the bugger! Before I hung up I said, "I love you" and he said "I love you too"- ahh.... he may be almost 15 but he is still my bud!

It warmed my heart- and put a smile on my face!

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