Thursday, March 22, 2007

An update

I had the best of intentions. Got up this morning and showered- but by the end of that I was so tired and out of breath. So, I took a breathing treatment and decided to stay home. I read a bit, slept some and then got to work on school "stuff". I felt better around 1pm so I decided to go into work for a weekly department meeting. Just walking from my car to the main door caused me to get winded. Augh. It was good to get caught up- so much has happened this week. I spent some time talking with my supervisor, prepping for my meetings as well as other items that I need to follow up on. I was also able to get some to-do's done so that I won't have them hanging over my head first thing in the morning. My intention is to go in tomorrow- I really need to touch base with my kids and wrap up my PPT agendas for Monday! As well as a million other little things.

Pray that my breathing returns to normal and the coughing subsides. Sometimes I'm okay, but then the breathing gets difficult and I sound like I'm either snoring while awake or have been smoking for 50 years. That will be lovely entertainment for my cherubs tomorrow. Otherwise, I feel fine except for occasional chest pain due to coughing. It could always be worse.

Thanks for all your well-wishes!
Love to you all~

1 comment:

kiltsandthistles said...

Thanks for you continued comments and encouragement. I am sorry that I don't often do the same. I will be praying for you and your breathing. That has to be sooo frustrating especially when it comes to teaching. God bless and my prayers are with you! JoyAnna