Monday, March 12, 2007

Thank you LORD...

...for an extra hour of sleep this morning

...for company as I drove to my conference

...for the reminder that I've got a long way to go to become "a good teacher"

...that you can use me in spite of the fact that I don't know what a closed syllable is or a diphthong (though- it does remind me of the hot tub incident, Alicia!)

...for moments that come along which allow me to share bits of truth with my co-workers

...that spring is coming!

...that I got to do my laundry today- finally!

...that hairspray does in fact get ball point ink out of jeans (my brand-new jeans in fact!)

...that my dad always rescues me and is awesome when it comes to measuring and using box cutters

...that my para support was able to set up my PPT's!

...that YOUR Word STANDS forever! (I'm reading a great book called STAND)

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