Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A moment of Praise....

1. Received my statement from the health insurance company- Praise: they are paying for my entire hospital stay (minus my co-pay)! Very exciting!

2. Received a letter today from an old-friend. We met back when I was in 7th grade. Her family was home on furlough from Mexico and they stayed in our Church's' mission house. We've kept in touch over the years and it was so good to hear all that God is doing in her life. I'm thankful that despite time and distance, it is a friendship that continues. (I've been thinking about that a lot lately, how friendships change. I don't like change. And yet time, distance and growth cause friendships to change. Sometimes it is good- sometimes it hurts. I guess it is always important to remember what you had and celebrate that and recognize that all relationships have seasons too.)

3. Three more days until vacation- hallelujah!

5. All my kids passed 3rd Quarter!! Huge sigh of relief!

6. A student who I had to sent to the office yesterday for mouthing off to me, came back today and apologized. Amazing! How often do 14 year old boys admit they were wrong?

7. All my annuals are scheduled minus one!

8. HOPE's new printer is working well- (despite having to spend an hour on the phone with customer service to figure out the duplexing error!). The print quality is great and will be a huge help in getting info out efficiently and professionally.

10. My observation went well- and I received good feedback from my director. Only two more to go (math and science).

11. My friend's husband has agreed to teach the teen Bible study for 5 more weeks. HUGE PRAISE!

12. I'm being reminded to love others- "they'll know we are Christians by our love". Not always easy to put into practice when working with hormonal teenagers but I'm given many opportunities to "work that out".

13. I'm still enjoying my John Mayer cd!

14. Praise and Worship went well Sunday- my lungs worked! And I didn't have too much trouble afterwards.

"My heart is confident in you,
O God; my heart is confident.
No wonder I can sing your praises!"
Psalm 57:7
I pray you sense God's presence working in and around you- and are confident that God is orchestrating HIS best for you.
Love to you all~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better, and also that God provided the money to pay for your stay. Had you shaved your legs before going in, you may have left with a HUSBAND! Guess you really missed the boat on that one! Oh, well, there's always next time.

Love you!