Monday, December 31, 2007
The following are two passages that have brought a lot of challenge this week-
"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." Matthew 6:34 The Message
Sometimes it is helpful to re-read familiar passages in alternative versions. I love this verse! My brain runs a mile a minute- always thinking, rehashing, processing. It can be a blessing and a curse (great when you're planning an event- not so good when you're trying to move past something). I love the phrase- "Give attention to what God is doing RIGHT NOW". If I'm so caught up in the past or in what may or may come in the future, I miss out on what God is doing right now. My full attention needs to be placed on what is happening around me. The people, the youth, the circumstances, the opportunities, the task at hand. The last two months have been filled with such blessing as I have seen God at work- I'm thankful I haven't missed that. I am able to speak of His faithfulness!
Then- the last phrase says, "God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." Because of fear or uncertainty, I could choose not to do something -to not be available. But, "in the moment of my weakness, He gives the grace to do His will." This last week has created some opportunities that were out of my comfort zone- things that I'd rather not do. Whether they were social gatherings that I didn't really want to attend- God used those evenings to bless my heart and remind me that He is at work in lives. One situation this week, could have been incredibly uncomfortable, having to face rejection head on- but the Lord used the situation to encourage and be a testament of His Power. Instead of sitting on the sidelines or getting worked up- put your hand to the plow and do it. He will give you what you need to accomplish what He has asked you to do. He gives grace.
I won't go into a detailed commentary on the second passage- but what encouragement is given here! God frees us from our fears, He hears our cries and surrounds us! We lack no good thing! He rescues those who are crushed!
No matter what your circumstances- worship Him! Revel in His glory, in His awesome might, in Who He Is! He is unchanging! Cry out to Him- be honest before God- what release! He will come to you- He will bring comfort- He will satisfy you.
"Taste and see that the Lord is good!"
Psalm 34
1 I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises.
2 I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are helpless take heart.
3 Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.
4 I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.
5 Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.
6 In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened; he saved me from all my troubles.
7 For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him.
8 Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!
9 Fear the Lord, you his godly people, for those who fear him will have all they need.
10 Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing.
11 Come, my children, and listen to me, and I will teach you to fear the Lord.
12 Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous?
13 Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies!
14 Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.
15 The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right; his ears are open to their cries for help.
16 But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil; he will erase their memory from the earth.
17 The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.
18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.
19 The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.
20 For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous; not one of them is broken!
21 Calamity will surely overtake the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be punished.
22 But the Lord will redeem those who serve him. No one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.
The to-do list is always greater than my actual production- but slowly I'm knocking things off. I've enjoyed some great movies, spent time catching up on the "to-read" pile, spent time with my family, slept late (okay, slept VERY late!), stayed up late (I LOVE staying up late), a little shopping, some gatherings, worshipped.
Vacation weeks always allow me to catch up with friends- and this week was no exception. We had a youth movie night where I was able to spend the evening with teens that I LOVE. It was fun and I enjoy hearing them laugh in unison! How thankful I am for friends that help in this ministry. Visiting area churches for their Christmas programs and taking a few minutes to catch up with friends I don't see as often anymore. As I was relaying some of my week's activities and was ticking off names, a friends said, "Wow, you have a lot of friends!". And I stepped back and thought about that and yes, indeed I do. How blessed I am!
Matt and Alicia were up visiting and it was a blessing to visit with them- even though far to short. I love hearing their stories of being transplanted to Virginia and the adventures they have had. I was able to spend time with Kim and Maria this week- and I just love them. They are a true example of godliness to me. So giving, sacrificing and wise. God has blessed me with wonderful examples. I was able to catch up with friends who are home from school too which is always lovely. Christmas Evening was spent with Bek, Sarah and Diana. I love laughing with these girls- that is what we do best!
The best though, was getting a phone call Saturday and seeing that it was my dear college roommate Carrie from Maine. Ahhh- I love this girl! We had some wonderful adventures during our first year at college and she was one of the first people who helped me see myself as a beautiful creation. I've loved hearing from her and what God has done in her life over the year- in June, I went to her wedding to a wonderful, godly man Steve (check out the June 07 post). As we talked, my heart was so full to hear how God has richly blessed them and their obedience. We spent hours talking (over two days because we couldn't finish our conversation the first day). She listened intently as I relayed the events of the last six months and she offered wise counsel and encouragement. When I think of Carrie, I think of someone who believes in me and sees things in me that I can't or won't. She is honest and forthright, qualities that I love! What a blessing she was to me!
Sunday evening, hours before our most recent snow storm hit, I was able to visit with my friend Katie for a bit. It's funny, I saw her last Sunday, but there wasn't a silent moment as we worked very hard to fill each other in on the events of the last week. Katie is a huge blessing to me- an encourager and someone who challenges me. She says the things I need to hear even if it is uncomfortable. She has a beautiful heart and I love that we share a common passion for ministry.
I am so blessed! Friendships that have spanned decades- and new friendships that have developed in the more recent years. Friends who I see daily (or what seems like it) and ones that our contact is less regular- but both as rich and real. Friends that span the ages- some of my closest friends are 15-20 years older than me and others are much closer to 21 than I'll ever be again. Beautiful picture of Titus 2! Women investing in women.
Thank you God for Friendship. It is work- I have to risk myself, give my time and energy- but the blessings I reap are immeasurable. Thank you for the Godly women you have put in my life- who disciple me and challenge me to be holy. Thank you for the relationships were their is mutual investment! In a week where I was feeling lonely, you reminded me of how much you have given me and how much I am truly loved! You supply our every need! Amen
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
It's bothered me that the "Christmas spark" has been absent this year- and as I survey those around me, it seems that they too are sharing the feelings I have. Is it because we are so overwhelmed with life? Is it due to the great losses we have suffered this year? Do we feel guilty for rejoicing when we know others are quietly suffering? Are we just stodgy adults who have lost the childlike wonder?
I'm still sorting the questions- trying to figure it out. What I can say is that I am so thankful for vacation! Beyond the myriad of to-do's I have set before me this week, I look forward to catching up on some reading and seeking refreshment- in the Word, in prayer, in good books (along with my new fleece blanket- Thanks Katie!), and with friends.
This morning, I pulled out one of the books on my "to read" pile. The Path of Loneliness by Elisabeth Elliot. I read this book back in 1999, while working at WOL Inn for the summer. It actually makes me laugh, to think that at 21, I thought I was lonely.
Now, don't get me wrong. I don't feel immensely lonely. I'm blessed to be a single with a very full life. I made the decision a number of years ago that I would not sit around waiting to do something big- or thinking that I had to be married to start serving God. No, I've made a point to live life on purpose. Ministry and adventure is not something to put off- because if you do, you miss it. My life is so rich (example- I just got a phone call from one of our youth that accepted the LORD last year and he wanted to share something he wrote about how God has changed his life in the last year- the most wonderful Christmas present I could receive- what a humbling gift).
But sometimes, when it gets real quiet, the feeling of loneliness creeps in. I've been learning that God uses our emotions to spur us closer to Him; to reveal a need that only He can fill. While loneliness is a valid emotion and state- if it doesn't drive me closer to the Lord, it is not beneficial. When those feelings arise, while I need to acknowledge them, the reaction I should have is to remember the truth of scripture (another post on this coming soon.....).
There were some passages from The Path of Loneliness that I wanted to share:
"From graduation from college at twenty-one until I was twenty-six I waited for Jim Elliot, wishing I wouldn't want him so much ... Instead of taking away my appetite, the Lord showed me the indispensable lesson of Deuteronomy 8, a review of Israel's wilderness experience. While they craved for the food they had had in Egypt, God gave them manna. Manna was supernatural food, miraculously provided, and it was all they needed. But even a miracle did not stop the wanting of leeks, onions, garlic, watermelons and fish. If He had given them what they naturally craved, they would never have learned to eat manna, they would never have acquired a taste for the bread which came down from heaven.
God made them hungry on purpose- in order to humble and test them, to discover whether it was in their hearts to obey Him, and to teach them what was far more important than leeks and onions, that man does not live by those things alone, but by the Word of the Lord. "The Lord your God was disciplining you as a father disciplines his sons."
So He disciplines us. He pays us that "intolerable compliment" of loving us inexorably. He harrows our souls, making us long for something we cannot have, in order to reveal to us what He wants us to have, which in the long run is far better."
(An amazing story is the one of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot- I highly recommend Passion and Purity which details the development of their relationship as well as Shadow of the Almighty.)
Another quote:
"Our loneliness cannot always be fixed, but it can always be accepted as the very will of God for now, and that turns it into something beautiful. Perhaps it is like the field wherein lies the valuable treasure. We must buy the field. It is no sun-drenched meadow embroidered with wild flowers. It is a bleak and empty place, but once we know it contains a jewel the whole picture changes. The empty scrap of forgotten land suddenly teems with possibilities. Here is something we cannot only accept, but something worth selling everything to buy. In my case, "selling everything" meant giving up the self-pity and the bitter questions. I do not mean we are to go out looking for chances to be as lonely as possible. I am talking about acceptance of the inevitable. And when, through a willed act we receive the thing we did not want, then Loneliness, the name of the field nobody wants, is transformed into a place of hidden treasure."

~ Christmas ~
~ God with us ~
~ God with me~ Present in the dark, lonely moments- beside me when I'm fearful and uncertain- enveloping me when I'm sad and disillusioned- paving the way when I take risks and tread on unfamiliar territory- praying on my behalf before the Throne of God - sympathetic with my suffering - reminding me of my value,worth, purpose -proving His faithfulness, His care, His love - displaying who He is.
LORD, may I see the possibilities that this season of my life offers. Enable me to take advantage of the opportunities you bring- the people, experiences and lessons. You are using all these things to reveal Yourself- help me not to miss You. Thank you for "showing up" and displaying Your power, Your presence, Your glory. May my natural reaction be to worship YOU- for You ARE good- You ARE faithful- You ARE trustworthy and You ARE With ME~ Immanuel. This season is Your best for me- help me to claim Your truth moment by moment. Amen
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Then, I remembered that I had planned to go shopping after school today to get a number of items for tomorrow's Christmas party and for the HOPE newsletter. Junk! So, at 6am- I was making my way to Walmart to get those items. Seems like everyone else had the same idea! At 8am, when I emerged from Walmart, the snow had not begun, so I decided to finish my Christmas Shopping. I pulled in our driveway at 11:30am with all my shopping completed- and the first snowflakes were just beginning to fall.
What a great snow day!

Friday, December 07, 2007
Enjoy this clip of my family- we know how to have a good time!
We are in the frezny of busy this weekend- I'll update soon!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Love to you all~
In the Waiting
I’ve seen the red sea part, I’ve seen the mountains move
But now it seems so dark, I can’t even feel you
If you chose to be silent I’ll be silent too
I will worship in the waiting, quiet before you
Until your voice like manna from the sky falls
I’ve seen the blooms of spring, new life in everything
But now it seems so grey, bright colors fade away
This winter seems much longer and colder than before
But I will worship in the waiting, expecting something more
Until the sun shines warm upon my face again
He Leadeth me He leadeth me
By his own hand He leadeth me
His faithful follower I would be
For by his hand He leadeth me
Saturday, November 24, 2007
They are HIS waves, whether they break over us,
Hiding His face in smothering spray and foam;
Or smooth and sparkling, spread a path before us,
And to our haven bear us safely home.
They are HIS waves, whether for our sure comfort
He walks across them, stilling all our fear;
Or to our cry there comes no aid nor answer,
And in the lonely silence none is near.
They are HIS waves, whether we are hard-striving
Through tempest-driven waves that never cease,
While deep to deep with turmil loud is calling;
Or at His word they hush themselves in peace.
They are HIS waves, whether He separates them,
Making us walk dry ground where seas had flowed;
Or lets tumultuous breakers surge about us,
Rising unchecked across our only road.
They are HIS waves, and he directs us through them
So He has promised, so His love will do.
Keeping and leading, guiding and upholding,
To His sure harbor, he will bring us through.
Annie Johnson Flint- Streams in the Desert
Blessed is he whose faith is not offended,
When all around his way
the power of God is working out deliverance
for others day by day;
Though in some prison dark his own soul does fail,
till life itself be spent,
Yet still can trust his Father's love and purpose,
and rest therein content.
Blessed is he, who through long years of suffering,
Not now from active toil,
Still shares by prayer and praise the work of others,
and thus "divides the spoil."
Blessed are you, O child of God, who does suffer,
and cannot understand
The reason for your pain, yet will gladly leave
Your life in His blest Hand.
Yes, blessed are you whose faith is "not offended"
By trials unexplained,
By mysteries unsolved, past understanding
Until the goal is gained.
Freda Hanbury Allen- Streams in the Desert
Complaining. I fall so easily into it. There have been some big changes at work- and some meetings have not gone as I anticipated, and I've been angry. I've been complaining. It is so wrong- not necessarily my frustrations but the way I've gone about handling it. Not talking to the right person who can fix the problem. I need to work at holding my tongue and using it to build up my team instead of chiming in with the grumbling.
Thanksgiving has come and gone and it is good to take time to reflect on God's goodness. In the last four weeks- I have seen God's goodness so clearly. In my time of need, He showed up big time and made Himself apparent. He hasn't alleviated the pain or fixed the situations- but He has demonstrated His power to bring comfort, clarity and peace. He has provided insights and clear answers to questions plaguing my heart.
Last night we took the teens to Superbowl. God so abundantly provided an amazing bus to transport our crew of 41. He gave safety and clarity-focus for our driver and keen attention from our teens during the message. Three girls went forward for dedication, one for salvation (though I'm not sure where she is at- pray for her) and one of our guys to cement his decision. It was awesome to hear that he had been reading the Word and coming to a place of surrender but wanted to "make it a clear memory" last night. Kim had the opportunity to share with him and want a blessing it was to see his smile as he relayed the conversation. I sit back, humbled and amazed at our kids. Last year we took under twenty- this year we doubled. We have so many new faces amongst our group. Many do not know the Lord and yet they are so real. They are open with their questions- open about their doubts. And....they keep coming back. I'm floored. We've got something- they may not know they want it yet, but they sense a difference. They sense a safe place and they know they are loved. One girl said, "The first time I came here, I almost walked out- everyone was so holy!" But, she keeps coming back (and we are far from holy....). Last week, when she said she didn't know why she kept coming, I was able to share with her that I believe God has a calling on her heart. I encouraged her to keep seeking, asking questions and asking God to show up. How amazing to sit with her and pray that very prayer. And- to send her home with a Bible and quiet time. Pray she begins to read God's Word and that it speaks to her heart. What an amazing privilege we have to work with these teens. It is not to be taken lightly. They have been a source of blessing and encouragement to me.
His Word has been soothing to my soul and I find myself anticipating my time with Him everyday. Sadly, that has not always been the case. So easily I fall into the trap of fitting in my quick quiet time to ease my conscience and suffice "the requirement". In the last two months, my quiet times have deepened- the Word has pierced my heart with challenge, conviction and comfort. His Word is sufficient to calm all our anxieties, to answer each question, to give direction and hope.
In school this week, we listed what we were thankful for...
I am thankful for....
- Family and friends: who listen, hold me, cry with me, challenge, remind, soothe, laugh, give solace, say the things I wish I could
- For daily provision: to meet my obligations, to provide for my needs and to enjoy the activities around me
- For a job: that satisfies my intellect, gives purpose, meets real needs, provides ministry
- For ministry: provides challenges to my character and ability, allows for creativity and risks, creates opportunity to be in the middle of God's Work
- For my teens: whose hunger and desire is contagious, who want to serve, who have great ideas and enthusiasm, who hold me accountable, who question, explore and want what's real, who challenge me to be authentic, who force me to know and live Truth
- For the simple pleasures: holding a baby in awe, hearing laughs and giggles, watching smiles and camaraderie, hearing a teen pray, watching someone take a risk, seeing someone blessed through service, the beat of a drum, new flannel sheets, moments to escape in creativity, a song that speaks to my soul, dinner with a friend, extra time to catch up, extra time to relax, parents that listen and come alongside of you, a thank-you, my cat's purr, a brother who runs that last-minute errand I can't get to, being able to ask for help
- For the confidence: of knowing that nothing happens to us that has not first passed through God's hands- it is given to us with His full knowledge and with purpose. All that we experience has the fundamental purpose to increase our desire for God and to draw us to Himself.
- For the assurance that:
"God is faithful" Psalm 89:1
"No good thing will He withhold from the people who walk upright." Psalm 84:11
"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord." Psalm 37:23
"Not one word has failed of all the good promises he gave." 1 Kings 8:56
"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our heart knows, the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." Romans 8:26-27
"All things work together for good to them that love God." Romans 8:28
"Is anything to hard for the LORD?" Genesis 18:14
"Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline." Revelation 3:19
"Whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ." Philippians 3:7
"Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed." Romans 4:18
"Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." John 12:24
" that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9
"Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again." Psalm 71:20
"Blessed is the one who waits." Daniel 12:12
"Commit your way to the Lord." Psalm 37:5
"Do you believer that I am able to do this?" Matthew 9:28
"Be still and KNOW that I am God." Psalm 46:10
May you know that HE is God
Saturday, November 03, 2007
What I can say is that God is good. Simply that. He is good. It doesn't all feel good, appear good or that the circumstances are even good. But- GOD is good. What we are experiencing at this moment is HIS best for us. It boggles my mind to think that the pain I see others experiencing: the loss, the hurt, the unanswered questions, could in anyway be good. When I hear from friends that continue to struggle with loneliness, when I see friends in terrible circumstances that they themselves did not create. When I see my teens struggling to make their faith their own and having so many questions. When I see a student body that is so lost and blinded. When I know I have loved ones that go to bed hungry every night and wondering if there will be money to feed their children tomorrow.....
It doesn't seem so good.
And then I look at my situation- and realize that it is all so petty in light of the pain and suffering in the world. Simply not having things the way I wanted them, having my needs unmet, my dreams unfulfilled- so small in terms of the greater picture.
But- pain is pain. Hurt is hurt. It may look different, appear in varying degrees- but it is real. It is present. And it has to be worked through. Not on a specific timetable- but given the time to ooze and ebb until is has been satisfied in God.
I've been immersing myself in reading these last two weeks- the Word, books to bring comfort, books to bring perspective.
One book that has been incredible (and I highly recommend you reading it....though I haven't finished it yet)- is "Shattered Dreams" by Larry Crabb. A pretty dramatic title....but most definately the best book I've read on dealing with loss and pain. Nothing sugar coated here- and he says everything you and I wish we could say (a couple of times I had to stop and say....this is a Christian book? because his comments were so "unchristian" but exactly what you and I are thinking)
Let me give you one quick quote:
"Our fondest dreams for this life, the ones we naturally believe are essential to our happiness, must be fully abandoned if we are to know God well. But we cannot abandon without help. The help we need, most often is suffering, the pain of seeing at least a few of our fondest dreams shattered. Shattered dreams are necessary for spiritual growth."
Ouch- not a comforting quote. But quite possibly a very true statement. We'd all like to coast through the Christian life comfortably- doing our thing, helping others, enjoying a few minutes of "the daily bread". But, it is suffering that brings us to our knees- that propels us to His Word for comfort, that ignites true worship- enabling us to see that God is good. And, we should not hide during these times of suffering. Our initial reaction is to curl up in our darken bedroom and escape from the questions, pressures- from life. It is by far harder to experience suffering in the marketplace- in the midst of ministry- in the midst of life. And yet doing so allows others to particpate and to see God's work in us.
Suffering also allows us to have a clearer perspective- I've seen amazing things of God in these last two weeks. Seeing Him working in our youth group, drawing my teens closer to Him, seeing two girls make professions of faith, seeing the hunger for truth, the enthusiasm to serve the Lord. His Word has been a soothing balm and times of worship have been moving, refreshing and healing (if you haven't heard the Integrity iWorship 24:7 cd- you have to get it......I think it was produced just for me and this season). And the reminder of the amazing relationships/friendships that God has brought into my life- that minister to my heart and soul- providing comfort, listening, offering reminders of God's faithfulness and speaking truth. It allows you to truly experience community.
One song that has become my heartsong is "None But Jesus" (sung by Christy Nockels on 24:7)
In the quiet, in the stillness
I know that You are God
In the secret of Your presence
I know there I am restored
When You call I won’t refuse
Each new day again I’ll choose
There is no one else for me
None but Jesus
Crucified to set me free
Now I live to bring Him praise
In the chaos, in confusion
I know You’re Sovereign still
In the moment of my weakness
You give me grace to do Your will
When You call I won’t delay
This my song through all my days
All my delight is in You Lord
All of my hope, all of my strength
All my delight is in You Lord
Praying that your delight is in the Lord- regardless of your circumstances, regardless of your shattered dreams. It isn't easy and God knows that. Ask Him to be your delight- Ask Him to help you make those choices. And, I have feeling He will meet you there- because He delights in You. Because He wants His best for you- and sees far beyond what we can.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
For the STORM event- the teens are asked to go out an invite their friends back for an evening of games, food and speaker. It forces them to step out of their comfort zone and take risks. Our teens were amazing! Some were reluctant and learned some powerful lessons as a result. Others were so excited! We had a total of 57 teens attend- with 29 of them being friends! The evening ran well and the gospel presentation was really clear. Our teens were really encouraged by what they saw. One boy, who was quite the heckler at the event- actually had the opportunity to win a free weekend at snow camp. The speaker was able to talk to him individually afterwards and he even returned to club this week. We are so excited about what God is going to do in him life. We are also praying for the seeds planted and that our teens will continue to have the courage to invite their friends to youth group and other events.
Sunday we hosted a youth rally- I invited 14 youth groups to attend but only heard back from 5. I was nervous about numbers- hoping that we would have a good turnout. We ended up having 117 teens/adults attend. When they started arriving, I was pleased with the number of kids I saw- then I went outside and saw a mass of 40 kids playing football- I was overwhelmed! We had a worship band from a neighboring church come and they did an amazing job. The worship time was sweet and allowed our teens to experience something outside of their comfort zone- it was also the first time drums were used in our church (sad)- but so awesome! I can not wait to do another rally. I hope next time we are able to encourage even more interaction between the youth groups. One of the best parts was seeing a young man who came this time last year and got saved- stand up and challenge the entire group to stand for Christ in their schools. The change in this boys life has been amazing!
These events took a lot of planning and so many hands. In the end, I had to relinquish my plans and let God have full rein. And- it is amazing to see what happens when you do that.
Looking forward to a day of rest~
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Sunday- the day will be full with the team participating in the morning service, a special luncheon and then a youth rally in the evening. We have a band coming in to lead worship and both nights will include a speaker from WOL. I feel confident in our plans- and now just have to rest that God is going to work all things according to His plans. The results are His. We have been faithful to do what He has called us to do and I can trust that the events will run according to His desire.
There is much to do before I head to bed- be in prayer for this weekend. For growth in our kids as they step out of their comfort zones- for salvation in the hearts of the unsaved that attend and for the details to all come together. Pray I don't get so caught up in the "job" that I miss the joy- and the true reason we do what we do.
Love to you all
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Monday night was a great evening! I had the opportunity to fellowship with some local believers at a Bible study not far from my home. I didn't know any of them- and I was encouraged by their passion for Christ and their desire to reach their community for Him. Many testimonies and the message challenged me- I've been convicted lately about my use of time and especially how much time I put into actively studying the Word. It is an area of failure on my part and I know that I need to make a more concerted effort to have a vibrant time meeting with God each day. One speaker this weekend said, "You are only as close to God as you desire to be." That hit me- the depth of my spiritual walk is dependent on me- the time and priority I give it.
I went into work today ready for another day- and by the middle of first period I was not feeling very well. Nausea, brain fog etc... I had to sit down because I was afraid I would puke all over my student's desks. I gave it until the end of the period and then decided that I needed to go home. As I was heading upstairs to speak with my assistant principal, one of my students came in and told me he had just thrown up. It took everything within me to not gag. Then a lady walked by with cookies and that made me want to gag even more. After getting permission to leave and wrapping up my lesson plans- I headed home. I crawled into bed and stayed there until 1:30pm. There is still a queasiness in my stomach which I hope goes away by tomorrow- but otherwise I'm feeling better. I'm sure it is just a 24hr bug. Either way, I have to go into school tomorrow because I have 2 important meetings I have to attend. In the afternoon, I was able to do some reading and prepare for youth group tomorrow night. That was good.
So- with that said- I'm going to head to bed!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
100th post
When we see Jesus so clearly- see God's hand- revel in His majesty, in His goodness- it is hard not to be full to the brim, spilling over.
Last Friday, I had the opportunity to worship in an old New England church, dimly lit by candles and the glow of the overhead machine. Times of absolute stillness and reflection, corporate prayers, scriptures shared, repentance made, concerns lifted to God, acknowledgment of the Greatness and Holiness of God, blasts from the past 80's choruses mixed with modern worship- hearts revealed.
It was truly the most authentic worship experience I have ever been a part of. I was humbled by my lack of worship- my lack of expression. The evening was a step out of the safety of my comfort zone- unraveling the traditions of my past experience, revealing my own insecurities in emotional expression, and exposing my limited view of God. The evening challenged me to rise to a new level of expression and my inability to being truly honest before God. My prayer is that worship would seep into every part of me- be part of every day- not just an experience. But, significant experiences do spur us on and show us what can be, what should be and what is.
I praise God for Monday afternoon- stealing away, forgetting the to-do's that are enclosing me. Sitting with a cup of delicious coffee, gazing across the water at the gorgeous views God has given us. Watching the fat little chipmunk, cheeks full of acorns. Hearing the frogs jump in and out of the water. The warm sun beating down, so warming. The gift of time with someone I'm growing to respect and care for. Pulling back the layers- hearts revealed, weaknesses exposed, accomplishments celebrated, truth shared, smiles, laughter, warmth, time, natural, comfort, real, peace....
Saturday, September 08, 2007
4:30 am comes early!
So- I've been getting up at 4:30- so that I can leisurely get ready and head out the door at 6am. Ungodly hour! I've been getting to school around 6:30 and it gives me a good half hour before the kids come to get organized. It will be good if I can keep this up- and Katie is a good cheerleader each morning!
The first week went well. There are always scheduling issues, kids getting lost, getting back into Ms. Hamburg's routines- but it worked well. I enjoy the kids on my caseload- which is a blessing. My reading skills kids are so awesome. My crew last year was great and I enjoyed them a lot- I wondered if I could love my new crew as much. The group I have this year are so hilarious, creative and compliant! They do what I tell them to do! It is amazing. Even the kids that push the limits are precious. I am really going to enjoy them.
My schedule is great- and I'm able to get a lot accomplished during the day- which cuts down on the take home. I do need to work at getting my systems down and organization down because I do feel a little discombobulated. Once we got the ball rolling on day one, I was reminded how much I LOVE what I do. I love being in the school- working with the kids- the camaraderie among the staff- my paras. I praise God for that- because that was not the case when I taught social studies. It is amazing how things come together when you are exactly where God wants you to be.
The best quote of the week was from one of my new kids- he said, "My mother and dog are corrupt and trying to steal my soul!"- it was hilarious!
We also started youth group on Wednesday. The night went well- it went smoothly. We had a nice turn out with five new kids. I think the kids are excited about the year- and I'm looking forward to what happens. God is at work!
Went to a great Thai restaurant with Heidi last night- the food was so delicious and the company pleasant. I'm thankful Heidi is home now, and that I get to enjoy her friendship! Today, Bek and I plan to celebrate her passing of the BEST portfolio- this is a huge portfolio CT makes you complete in order to maintain your certification and it is a killer. But she passed! Go Bek! So we're going to celebrate (and go shoe shopping.....yeah!). Had a great conversation with Alicia the other day- so glad that she enjoys her new job! What a blessing for her obedience. I'm thankful for what I can see God doing in my life and in the lives of those I love.
Enjoy the weekend!
Always~ Elisabeth
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Day One
While I was dreading this day for a few weeks and was in complete denial, it wasn't as bad as I expected. I do truly love my job- but the summer just rushed by and I enjoy not having to work so much. It was good to see my colleagues and especially all my para friends. They are such an amazing support! We lost my dear Patrick- who I will miss so much- but I think our new team member will be a good fit. The school is coming along and I should be in my very own classroom sometime in November. My caseload looks good and I think my schedule will be quite doable. I have a number of items to wrap up before school- personal items and paperwork items for school but otherwise I'm in good shape. It is a blessing to be in where I am teaching and I look forward to the coming year. I was asked to chaperone a trip to Louisiana over spring break to help in the Katrina efforts. There will be a team of 6 girls along with myself and another teacher. I'm looking forward to this opportunity to see the efforts there and to get to know some of the gals from school- a week of impact!
I hope today wasn't a testament of what the year holds- returning from a workshop at school, I was turning into the parking lot and a fellow teacher backed into my car. Thankfully, no one was hurt and only my driver's side was dented. He was extremely apologetic- and hopefully his insurance company will cover the repairs. It's just a car, right! Perspective!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Ready or not...
God is so good to provide strength, support and comfort. Continue to pray for Bek's family as they continue to process and go through this time of grieving. Pray for those of us walking alongside them that we will have understanding, strength and wisdom.
The experience of losing Jeremy has brought so many realizations to the forefront of my mind and re-centered many of my perspectives.
My friendship with Bek- we have been friends for 24 years and often behave as siblings versus friends. We have grown so comfortable with one another- probably too comfortable at times. We often joke of being "friends of convenience"- but never before has our friendship been tested so much. For the first time- I truly could not "fix" her pain or offer any words that would change her circumstances. I felt completely helpless and could do nothing but hug her and listen. Our friendship has truly gone through the cycles of life. Beyond Jeremy's home going, what hurt even more was that someone who means so much to me was in agony and I could do nothing. Despite all that has happened in the past- the ups and downs of friendship- Bek has been a faithful friend and I am so thankful for her.
It is so important to say what needs to be said- not to let a moment go by without telling someone how much you love them- care for them- are proud of them. We had a teen activity the night after, and it was important to me to see each teen individually and tell them they are loved. God has entrusted people to my care and I need to make a point to communicate to them what I'm thinking/feeling instead of assuming they know.
Guarding my emotions is so important now more than ever. I am not a "temporary emotional person"- meaning I don't tend to get really excited - I'm pretty steady all the time. But what does happen, is that I'm susceptible to low lows. It's something I've always been aware of and have struggled with. After the initial four days, I was so spent, I could barely do anything. Slowly, I'm regaining momentum and vigor. Part of the solution for me is to allow myself the grace to go through the process. I've learned that I should not waste my emotions on things that really don't matter and reserve them for what I really care about- my family and friends.
School starts this week- Youth Group starts next week. My HOPE stack is calling my name. There is much to do. I'm praying getting into my routine once again will help motivate me to accomplish the tasks at hand.
Love to you all
One passage has meant a lot since the 16th and I've been mediating on it. I hope it will give you some encouragement too....
Psalm 145
1 I will exalt you, my God and King, and praise your name forever and ever.
2 I will praise you every day; yes, I will praise you forever.
3 Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! No one can measure his greatness.
4 Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power.
5 I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles.
6 Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue; I will proclaim your greatness.
7 Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness; they will sing with joy about your righteousness.
8 The Lord is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.
9 The Lord is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation.
10 All of your works will thank you, Lord, and your faithful followers will praise you.
11 They will speak of the glory of your kingdom; they will give examples of your power.
12 They will tell about your mighty deeds and about the majesty and glory of your reign.
13 For your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. You rule throughout all generations. The Lord always keeps his promises; he is gracious in all he does.
14 The Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads.
15 The eyes of all look to you in hope; you give them their food as they need it.
16 When you open your hand, you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing.
17 The Lord is righteous in everything he does; he is filled with kindness.
18 The Lord is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth.
19 He grants the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cries for help and rescues them.
20 The Lord protects all those who love him, but he destroys the wicked.
21 I will praise the Lord, and may everyone on earth bless his holy name forever and ever.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I have no energy to even begin to post what the last four days have held.
Rebecca's post will fill you in for now- and hopefully, in a couple of days I can formulate my thoughts.
Be in prayer for all here-
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I spent the last three days attending the Leadership Summit put on by Willow Creek. Some of you are probably surprised that I went. I am myself. As most of you know, I don't make decisions lightly- I analyze, mull over and dissect something before I do it. Beyond having pure motives, I wanted to make sure this event would be beneficial for me. In looking at the line up of speakers, I saw that most were from the marketplace and not believers. I wondered, "what can an unbeliever teach me about leadership?". Was I in for an awakening. God's truth is all around us- even in unbelievers. He can use them to speak to us- to challenge us. Along with listening to any speaker, we must always have the discernment to evaluate what is said in light of scripture.
The talks were so timely, as we begin a new year of youth group. I've felt beaten down in recent weeks and wondering if I'm doing anything right at all. The speakers were incredibly encouraging- providing helpful insights as to how to empower your team to grab hold of your vision, how to motivate them, how to develop strategy etc...
One of the greatest truths that came through time and time again was, "know the needs of your community" and work to reach them. So often, the church gets so wrapped up in "doing church" and doing things to serve ourselves, that we forget to reach tangible needs in the community around us. As we meet needs, demonstrating God's love, the community will be confronted with the living embodiment of Christ- and they will be without excuse. This is the approach we've taken in Haiti- and it is working! Now, if we can just transpose this here.
The other truth that was impressed upon my heart was that God has me here "for such a time as this" (Esther). That gives great comfort when situations are not ideal.
There were so many other amazing principles given- it's hard to know even where to start. But, I can't lead others if I don't lead myself well- so that is where I need to start, leading myself.
It was an amazing three days- and my heart is satisfied.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
It builds character-
I've been feeling overwhelmed in recent weeks. The pressures of ministry- of trying to be obedient and wise in decision making- in arranging staff, massaging staff, planning details- have weighed heavy. And the balance- between family, HOPE and youth group frustrates me. Wanting to be "all things" but yet not having the know how to do that. I find it hard to wait on the Lord as He is developing others and producing growth in their lives. I want them to be somewhere where they aren't yet capable of being.
Yet- there has been so much joy in recent weeks. To see people wrestle with convictions and to see them pour into the WORD to discover God's solution. Seeing sin confronted in love and to seeing humility and repentance in response. How GREAT is our God! To hear a teen say, "I'm home" when he returned to youth group after being away for the summer. A call from an unsaved mother, saying youth group was the best thing for her daughter this year! Having six teens sit with you and commit to being godly examples to their peers as members of the leadership council. To hear the innocent prayers of my teens. To get a hug from the boys and know that they truly mean it and that they love us even when we have to correct them. Seeing a new face and the joy he had by coming and feeling comfortable and accepted. The adventure of new friendship- uncovering the layers to reveal the heart. Of feeling so comfortable and the ability to be completely transparent (even to a fault). Being able to laugh at yourself. Having friends who love you and pray you through rough spots. For wise counselors who provide godly counsel even when it is uncomfortable.
It is easy to get overwhelmed and weighed down by the pressures. Yet God is still present- still in control of all things: even the midst of being misunderstood, confused and frustrated.
And the reminder from Ephesians- He can "do immeasurably above all that we ask or thing". The pressures can produce two results: either running from God because of the pain, discomfort and selfishness or running to His open arms for comfort, peace and courage.
I was driving yesterday and heard the following song on the radio:
Over My Head- Brian Littrell
I tried to figure it out
Time and time again and time again
I guess there's just some things I'll never understand
'Cause Your ways aren't our ways
But deep down in my soul, down in my soul
There is one thing I know that I know
I'm in over my head
Right where I wanna be
I'm so lost within Your love
The love that always covers me
So high, so deep, so wide
A strong and cleansing tide
My soul has found a place to rest
I'm in over my head
I've been holding on
Now I'm letting go, just letting go
Gonna let Your love carry me away
I don't know where I'm going
But I'm surrounded by the truth
And I can feel the current pulling me
Deeper into You
I'm in over my head
Right where I wanna be
I'm so lost within Your love
The love that always covers me
So high, so deep, so wide
A strong and cleansing tide
My soul has found a place to rest
I'm in over my head
You see me for who I am
You did reach out Your hand
You made me understand
That Your love has always covered me
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Ready now....
We had some health challenges on the way home- I Praise God for his wisdom. I've never been more frightened before and we had to make crucial medical decisions. But- He is good and provided exactly what we needed. Unending Thanks to all who prayed!
We met amazing people- a witch doctor saved out of Voodoo, dedicated and humble pastors, teachers begging for training- my heart is heavy with the needs. I'm humbled by the responsibility God has placed on me- hundreds, thousands are depending on this project to bring HOPE and advancement for the community and the church. I'm overwhelmed.
Our project managers and contractors
Go Go and Wilson- our two translators and my good friends!Wilson with his brother and sister. I am Lubetina's sponsor so it was lovely to meet her.
I had about of week of some low moments- I have a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I hit the ground running when I came home and ended up having to step back and rest.
My time is stretched so thin- between HOPE, Youth Group and School. Pray I have wisdom and time management.
We start the new youth group year on 9/5- and have a retreat scheduled for 8/17-18. So, I have a bit of planning to put together. School starts end of Aug, with the kids coming on 9/5. There have been staff changes and I'm starting to realize I need to get into school mode. It will be a busy first few months.
Hope everyone is enjoying the summer-
Love to you all
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
No more suitcases for awhile
There is a lot to share but I'm still tired, a wee bit cranky and processing to blog about it yet.
Stay tuned.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Off to Haiti
While there, we will be beginning the the foundation of the Community Library! In the afternoons, we will be holding a Children's Art Camp.
I'll be home the 21st- please keep our team in your prayers. Below is a list of praise and prayer items.
With Love~
Praise Items:
- For our Advisory Council (Tom, Asneth, Rick and Nelson)- for their commitment to HOPE, faithful prayers, wisdom and guidance
- For the team that God has put together: Valerie, Tom, Chelsea, Wilfrid and Elisabeth
- That we have the funds to begin the building project and all members are fully supported
- For the work that has already been done to prepare for this work team
- For what God will do in and through us while in Duchity
- That the gospel is being proclaimed in Duchity by faithful men and women
- That we can join God in what He is already doing there and be a part of HIS plan
- That we can be a bridge between the believers in Haiti and the States in order to provide mutual encouragement and edification
Prayer Items: - Safety in travel- by plane and by car (we have a 3 hour drive to Duchity on a difficult road)
- That all luggage would arrive with us and pass through customs without problems
- For Pastor Leonard and family- our hosts from Duchity Baptist Church
- For the Haitian men and women who will be taking care of us
- For the Haitian construction workers: for safety and positive interactions as we work together
- For good health and strength as we adjust to the climate, environment, food and schedule
- For Go Go and Wilson, our translators. for safety as they travel and clarity as they work
- For the spiritual battles that will be going on while in Haiti
- That we would be united together, as a team and also as a family
- That we will be an encouragement to the Haitian people in Duchity and the surrounding communities. That our interactions would build lasting relationships
- That as the gospel goes forth, in word and action, it will bear eternal fruit
- That Wilfrid and Elisabeth would have Godly wisdom and discernment- as they make decisions for the team and HOPE’s ministry while in Duchity. That we will be where God wants us to be, when He wants us to be there.
- For peace in the hearts of loved ones back home
- That we will encounter God in a new and fresh way
- That we will come home changed: more aware of God, His work, His people and the needs around us
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Home Again!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Praising Him for His Goodness
- for all that God did this year in/through the youth group. I pray that I am simply a vessel that He uses.
- for challenge from His Word- that it is relevant now in my life, just as it was in the Corinthians lives centuries ago
- for Christian writers/musicians who are used by God to bring challenge, proclaim truth and ignite action
-for a phenomenal day of friendship, laughter and refreshment.
-for Rebecca- one of my oldest friends. Who accepts me "as is"- encourages me, helps me see reality, rescues me, celebrates with me, helps me not make a complete fool out of myself, and is always available for a late night phone call.
-for Katie- a new friend! Her sweet spirit is contagious, her boldness refreshing. She holds me accountable without even realizing it.
- for French manicures- they are so beautiful and make me feel so lovely!
- Japanese hot stone massage- so good. Need I say more.
- that it is sandal season!
- for sales at Kohls
- for baby registries so I know exactly what my friend wants for her baby even if she lives in CA - for hotel reservations that came through
- for a pastor who preaches truth from God's Word and is unashamed. A man who encourages me and offers godly counsel when I need it.
- for delicious strawberry shortcake with friends
- that Bill was able to work a few days this week
- for cell phones- so that I can keep in touch with Alicia even though she's moved farther away than I even want to think about.
- that even though she is far away- she is safe in God's capable hands.
- that I can trust God completely as He continues to reveal His plans for my life. The confidence that He always has the very best in mind for me.
- for parents who taught and modeled truth and continue to do so.
- for the gift of vacation- the adventures we will have, the refreshment, the laughter and the new memories we will make!
I'm off to California on Tuesday- returning July 4th! Pray for safety/protection/wisdom/relaxation/and FUN!
Love to you all~
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Relaxation is in order...
Friday night a few of us went out for dinner/ice cream and then to the movies. Always a good time for laughs. Saturday, Bek and I went shopping. I realized that I needed some new items for California and was fortunate to find a few things I liked. We went to this great Mexican Restaurant called The Cuckoo's Nest-so delicious! Sunday was another day full of church and errands. Monday, I got busy and was VERY productive! I love scratching things off the to-do list. I'm looking forward to my spa day later in the week- some more shopping and then an evening of complete indulgence!
It's hard to believe that this time next week- I'll be getting ready for CA! Yesterday, I bought our Alcatraz tour tickets and mapped out a few of our adventures. We are still working on hotels- usually I'd be biting my nails- but it will all work out.
Saw a cute movie the other night- "Scoop" with Scarlett Johansson. She isn't always one of my favorites- but she was incredible in this film. It is a witty comedy with some twists. Hugh Jackman isn't that bad either!
The list is calling my name- hope you all enjoy the warm, sunny days!
Love to you all~
Friday, June 15, 2007
Summer vacation has begun!
Wednesday night marked our "official" last night of youth group before the summer. I firmly believe youth group should go year round- but that is a new concept to our team. This summer, I'll be hosting 4 girl days (stamping, spa day, jewelry making etc..) as a way to bond the girls together. We will have at least 4 open club nights for the gang to come hang out. The boys regularly get together for paintball too. In August, we will have a overnight lock-in/retreat. A few kids have asked for a trip to Six Flags as well. So- it will be a busy summer!
Last night the family went out to dinner at this great Ribs place in Rhode Island. Bill and I are awful children and have not recognized my dad birthday (we did do a cake), mother's day, father's day and their 49th anniversary! So- dinner out was in order. We had a nice time- we don't get to do that as often as we should.
My schedule is so clear between now and the 26th. I have a couple graduation parties, a vet appointment, possibly a dentist appointment, 1 gals activity and then Heidi and I fly to meet Erica and head to California. I'm so excited! We are still working on hotels- pray that all works out! It will be a lot of fun! We'll be in San Francisco, San Jose, Bakersfield and San Diego- I'm hoping to head to Mexico for a day too! There are so many details....
Things are coming together for our Haiti trip- now there are five of us. Chelsea and I are putting together an art project to bring down. That will be fun.
It has been a really great school year- incredibly challenging and at times stressful. But so rewarding. I truly enjoyed going to and being at work everyday. I'm excited for the fall!
Love to you all
Sunday, June 10, 2007
The Beauty of Obedience
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Eight days...
I think I'm actually going to miss school over the summer- I enjoy my kiddos so much, and I know that for some, school is the only exciting, secure thing going on for them. We are a very weird, dysfunctional family!
Hmm, in other news. We took a few teens to a youth concert thingy- not really sure what it was- but it was interesting. Today was the Olympian closing program- they put on an adorable talent show and then had a matchbox car race. They are so precious. Bek, Heidi and Rob and I went to Hanks for ice cream- which is always a treat. We enjoy every chance we get to pick on Rob- poor guy. Now, I must sit and get moving on my final exams. I have a few that MUST be done for tomorrow.
Love to you all
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Bored with God
I recommend this book if you work with young people in any capacity- I'm challenging our youth leaders to read it this summer.

Chicken Dance by the Cat Hospital
With tools in a hardware aisle
Thumbs up by a cashier at Better Val-u- he really got into it